Don't know what it is about vamps that we love so much. They bite people and feed on blood so, no, they shouldn't be all that appealing but yet they are portrayed in books and movies as sexy, dark, mysterious and we can't seem to get enough of them. Personally, I adore them. So far, I haven't tried my hand at writing vamps. Shifters have always come more naturally to me. Yeah, I love them too. Earthy, strong, masculine...yep, love shifters. But there is a mystique with the vamp that tends to just reel you in.

Lately, I've been completely hooked on the HBO series TrueBlood which is based on the Charlaine Harris southern vampire series. No, I haven't read the books yet. I'm almost afraid to. From what I hear the books don't jive completely with the series and I'm afraid I'll fall in love with the books and then pick this oh-so-entertaining-and-sexy series apart next time I watch. My daughter is currently reading the books though, so I've been asking lots of questions. Since she also loves TrueBlood the series, I've been curious if her love of the books will interfere with her enjoyment of the series. She says...NO WAY. Like me she's totally hooked on the show which begins it's second second in June. This series is set in Louisianna and centers around a small town waitress who is telepathic. It is a time when vampires are acknowledged in society and are fighting for their rights as citizens yet they are not quite accepted. It is violent, dark, and sexier than any television show I've ever seen.
Fan Boards and other promotion divulge that faeries, shifters and other creatures will be later intoduced into the show. If you don't have HBO, and I know many don't, the entire first season is available on May 19th. I know because I've checked and you'd better believe I'll be first in line to pick this up.

Now I haven't read the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyers but my daughter is currently on Eclipse and is loving the series. Just about every girl in her high school carried around copies of the books this fall and, naturally, she and I saw the movie. She fell in love with this story of the burning teenage love of Bella and Edward. I liked the movie. Very beautiful with all the forests and the dreamy scenes and I left thinking this was a very well done movie for teens. Maybe I just like something a little edgier so if I had to choose something to watch for pure enjoyment, it would have to be TrueBlood. The second Twilight book, Blue Moon, is being filmed now and should release faily soon so I figure the craze with start up all over again.
Some of you might not have seen either the television show or the movie nor read the books, so tell me what are some of your favorite vamp books and/or movies. What was it that pulled you in and made you hope for a sequel?
Special Note: Frequent visitor and our friend Amy Ruttan has a new release today at Ellora's Cave. Hard Candy looks soooo good. Happy Release Day, honey! We're all wishing you many sales.