I’m doing something a little different today. I want to talk about paranormal. Dark, Immortal, and sensual. I recently read Erin McCarthy’s, My Immortal. As expected it was fantastic.
I give her

5 wicked hearts for the first book in her Seven Deadly Sins series. Ms. McCarthy proves she can weave a damn fine story, no matter the sub-genre. She hooked me with her wit in The Pregnancy Test, but now I’m completely her slave.
Damien is the ultimate tortured hero. He has a past that you wouldn’t imagine. You’ll hate him, love him, hate him, then crave him. He’s deliciously bad and everything I ache for in a hero. Have you read this book yet? Have I convinced you yet? Well, take a second and read the blurb and excerpt, then come back and tell me you aren’t going to run out and buy this story!
Paranormal authors have something that no other author has, a right to write it the way they see it. Sometimes that can make a contemporary or historical author envious. We have to conform to certain rules. Reality has to be ever present when you write and that can be somewhat limiting at times. Well, I discovered when I wrote A Diamond at Midnight that it’s damned exciting to step into the dark world of immortals. Oh, don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t nearly as easy as I thought it would be. Not by a long shot! You basically have to come up with your own world, then you have to be sure stick to the rules of that world. As in Christine Feehan’s Carpathian series, they aren’t the same as humans, so they aren’t going to function in the same way. That can get confusing really fast for an author!
However, Ms McCarty intertwined the past, with the present and she did it was a dark flavor that I thoroughly enjoyed. She took Louisiana and gave it a new coat of paint, in my opinion. I felt like I was there, right along with Damien and Marley. I struggled with Marley as she dealt with her wild and impetuous sister. I despaired with Damien as he carried the shame of a past full of selfishness. I cried for that man’s struggle, I tell ya!
As I turned the last page and sighed, I felt sadness that I’d finished it. Stellar books like that just don’t come along every day. At least they don’t for me. Maybe I’m just that picky. Either way, I need to thank this gifted author for creating a story that breathed new life into the paranormal world. I’m already fixin’ to get Fallen. This is one series I plan to devour!
Bravo, Erin McCarthy, you have yet another winner!

Damien is the ultimate tortured hero. He has a past that you wouldn’t imagine. You’ll hate him, love him, hate him, then crave him. He’s deliciously bad and everything I ache for in a hero. Have you read this book yet? Have I convinced you yet? Well, take a second and read the blurb and excerpt, then come back and tell me you aren’t going to run out and buy this story!
Paranormal authors have something that no other author has, a right to write it the way they see it. Sometimes that can make a contemporary or historical author envious. We have to conform to certain rules. Reality has to be ever present when you write and that can be somewhat limiting at times. Well, I discovered when I wrote A Diamond at Midnight that it’s damned exciting to step into the dark world of immortals. Oh, don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t nearly as easy as I thought it would be. Not by a long shot! You basically have to come up with your own world, then you have to be sure stick to the rules of that world. As in Christine Feehan’s Carpathian series, they aren’t the same as humans, so they aren’t going to function in the same way. That can get confusing really fast for an author!
However, Ms McCarty intertwined the past, with the present and she did it was a dark flavor that I thoroughly enjoyed. She took Louisiana and gave it a new coat of paint, in my opinion. I felt like I was there, right along with Damien and Marley. I struggled with Marley as she dealt with her wild and impetuous sister. I despaired with Damien as he carried the shame of a past full of selfishness. I cried for that man’s struggle, I tell ya!
As I turned the last page and sighed, I felt sadness that I’d finished it. Stellar books like that just don’t come along every day. At least they don’t for me. Maybe I’m just that picky. Either way, I need to thank this gifted author for creating a story that breathed new life into the paranormal world. I’m already fixin’ to get Fallen. This is one series I plan to devour!
Bravo, Erin McCarthy, you have yet another winner!

So what is it about these paranormals that we love so much? I've gotten to the point where a regular romance just doesn't cut it anymore. I need that darker, more sensual story in order to feel satisfied. I guess I'm addicted. What about you?
So is Fallen the second book in the series? My Immortal sounds great. Aren't these covers just to DIE FOR??? Yeah, I love paranormals too and they are certainly fun to write. The worldbuilding stuff is HARD though. Seriously tough.
Great post, Anne. Can't wait to pick up this book
This is a fantastic series. I've read both My Immortal and Fallen. I can't wait for the third book. I'd always loved Erin for her humor before but now I'm seeing a whole new side of her writing and I love that just as much. As I mentioned before I'm hooking my friends on her too :)
Yes Fallen is the second book and aren't the covers great. I love them.
Hey Anne,great topic,I love paranormal books,but now I still love my regular spicy romances too, when I first started reading paranormal I didn't want anything else,then I gradually got to where I like the good regular spicy romances again too,but I have to say the paranormals are still a must buy for me,& I am on my way to buy,Immortal now.
can anyone tell me how I can get the followup comments,without having to post twice?
I like the lighter paranormals. Too much of life is already dark without reading about more of it. I think that's why I've bypassed most of them. Maybe...
Beautiful covers, though.
Cindy, try clicking the little email follow up comments box. That should get you all the comments and all you to post a response too.
I love Erin's writing and I thought for sure I wouldn't like My Immortal, everything I had read was fun, funny, light, easygoing. I was hooked from the very beginning, maybe I fell for Damien like other women had. LOL!!! I have Fallen and will be starting it this afternoon....I can't wait! I was positive anything dark wouldn't be for me, but I'm not ashamed to admit I am a addict! LOL!!! Give me more!!!
They really give me a deeper sensation than the lighter books...I still enjoy those light and fun books but so far dark paranormals are top on my list, and I agree the covers are the best!!!!!
Regina--you need to read My Immortal, great story!
Cindy--not sure about the follow up, sorry hun!
Anny--Those covers are so gorgeous, aren't they? I'm envious!
Tonya--it's almost like Ms McCarthy has two seperate voices. Man, I want to be her! LOL
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