Well technically it's not a date, it's a wedding, but my hubby and I so rarely get a chance to go out and do something just the two of us, that we're considering it a date! It's funny. We were talking about it last night and he said, "I can't wait to dance with my wife this weekend". As soon as the words left his mouth I realized two things. First of all, my hubby rocks and he always knows the best things to say without even trying and second, this will be the first time we've danced with each other since OUR wedding almost seven years ago. That is WAY too long to go without dancing with your spouse!
It's so hard to make the time to get away with jobs, responsibilities, kids. It seems like so much work some times that we just eventually gave up trying. Plus, we're picky about who we leave our kids with. They don't really stay with anyone besides my mom or my husbands mom and both our mothers are still working, his mom has two jobs so it makes it hard for them to have time to babysit. I mean, they've stayed with a friend of mine for a couple hours a couple of times, but that's always a day thing because she has children and a husband of her own. My nieces and nephew used to babysit, but now they're too into their own thing than to babysit on a Saturday night.
So, needless to say, we're really looking forward to this wedding on Saturday. Not only do we get to see my husband's cousin marry a great guy, but we get a date night out of it too! We vowed to try and start making this happen more often. Hopefully, we'll stick to it this time.
Do you have date nights with your spouse?
This sounds like fun, Kell, and you should really try to do it more often. When our kids were young, we tried our best to have a 'date night' every weekend. It wasn't always possible. We seldom did anything fancy, just dinner and a movie and sometimes we'd do dinner and just walk around the mall or something. BUT...it got us together for "adult" conversation.
I've not danced with mine since 1992! He really doesn't dance; we were at a New Year's Eve party and I got him to dance with me on the slow songs. The rest of the time, I was on the dance floor with a mutual friend:)
We have more date lunches; now the kids are in school, he takes me out to lunch when he's home, or once a week on 'payday' when he's off for the winter.
I'd be happy if we could do it like once every other month, Reg. I think I'm going to shoot for that.
Molly, lunch dates are nice. My hubby's schedule doesn't allow for that which is a bummer. We'll figure something out!
Before my fiance and I even moved in together, we decided to start having a weekly (or at least biweekly) date night. At that point, we lived two hours apart, and he usually spent his days off with my daughters and me. We decided we needed some "couple" time.
After we moved in together in June, the date night got lost in the shuffle for a little while. When I mentioned to him that I felt disconnected from him, he suggested we start it up again.
We still don't manage every single week. I've been through some health problems that necessitated surgery, and that put a kibosh on date nights for a little while, though we did have a couple of in-home date nights where we ordered out for supper, sent the kids to their rooms, and watched a movie together on the couch. Now that I'm mostly recovered, we're going back to the once a week night out idea. In December, that will be dancing; he's a West Coast Swing dancer who's won competitions, and I want to learn the dance so we can dance together at our wedding in April. So he's going to go to lessons with me.
We don't very often, I'm ashamed to say, even after I tried scheduling a date night each month on this year's calendar! Between his business and mine, our kid, etc., we're just kind of bad about it.
About once every few weeks we snuggle up together to catch up on episodes of CASTLE. I know, how glamorous!! But, we make a night of it, and enjoy having the "down" time just to be together.
Well I say we all make a point to try and do it more often! We deserve it!
That sounds like fun. My hubby hates to dance. I could never get him to do it, not even when we dated.
And I feel you about the time alone thing. I'm feeling the need for that REALLY bad here lately.
Have fun and be a little naughty! ;-)
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