Anyway, we found a great deal on a very pretty coat, bought a hat and gloves and naturally, she tried on a few things to 'get ideas'. Afterwards, we checked out New Moon. Yes, definitely Team Jacob here! LOL. All in all, the afternoon wasn't traumatic in any way but I didn't do any actual holiday shopping. Just a lot of looking.
It's funny. I remember how easy Christmas shopping was when my kids were little. Of course, there was always that ONE toy that was virtually impossible to find. I tend to think it's some kind of conspiracy because it has been this way for as long as I can remember. Back in the 80's you couldn't find a Cabbage Patch Doll to save your soul. I was living in Houston at the time (newly married, no kids) and there was such a run on these things that a local radio station filled up a football stadium and flew a plane overhead to "drop" Cabbage Patch dolls to the crowd. Crazy!
Aside from that, I recall that every year we had mountains of gifts under the tree. Little kids gifts are easy and usually cheap so we tended to buy a LOT of stuff. Ever wrapped a gazillion five and ten dollar toys???? The gift wrap and bows was almost as expensive as the darn toys.

These days the pile of gifts isn't so huge and there's an explanation for that. My kids are now grown and the request is usually for 'big ticket' items like electronics, gaming systems, etc. I've been noting all the commercials and print ads for e-book readers and all indicators are that these will be big sellers this year. YAY for us ebook readers and authors!!!! Barnes and Noble has announced they have already sold out of the Nook but are offering certificates for gift giving and promising they will be available after the first of the year. The e-bookwise reader that I have is now marked down to $90. So if you want to 'get your feet wet' with an ebook reader, this is a good opportunity.
Do you start early with the shopping stuff? Or are you a last minute shopper? A good friend of mine does all her shopping on Christmas Eve. It's a tradition at her house doing the mad scramble thing. Yes, I quickly told her that I loved her but she was NUTS!
With the craziness since July, I was not able to start our Christmas shopping. I usually have all but two or three gifts by the day after Thanksgiving. The Christmas cards go into the mail Monday after Thanksgiving. This year I am hoping that I can get them in the mail by 12/24. Like you my kids are older so they are getting money this year hidden in a gag gift. What I want for Christmas is for my dh to recover from his stroke and for us to celebrate Christmas at the rehabiliation center. Maybe even be able to walk with me.
I've noticed a ton of people talking ebook readers lately, Reg. I LOVE it.
Din't brave the shopping and the only thing I have gotten so far is a Zhu Zhu pet my daughter wanted. My friend went to Toys R Us at midnight. They're the big thing for kids this year so she picked me up one. Now I have the find the stuff to go with it.
Team Jacob?! NO. LOL. Actually, I told my friend, if I'd only seen the movies and not read the books I might be Team Jacob too, but having read the books, I'm and Edward girl ;)
We have our youngest daughters bday the 13th so I'm planning on getting gifts for her this payday and then next week we start Christmas shopping.
Awwww, Chris...hugs to you BOTH. This will be my Christmas wish this year! Keeping fingers crossed.
I'm hearing a lot of stuff on the loops about the ebook readers and also catching the 'comments' on several articles about the hot Christmas gifts this year. Of course an arguement always ensues about with reader is best. HA. Typical.
Sounds like you've already got a bit of a start. i have a few things too but the BIG items, I've yet to do.
Oh, hon...I usually start shopping in July and buy a little each month, but this year I just spaced it! I will go bankrupt this month since I have six grandkids and three adult kids and two daughters-in-law. I hope my royalty check is bigger this month. I sure could use a boost. lol!
The hubby and I tend to do some of our shopping online. What's left gets bought all in one day. He takes the day off work and we arrange for someone to get the kids from school, then we go all day. It's usually a lot fun. We do lunch and just spend the day together. :)
I used to start my Christmas shopping in July but then I got burned by the kids a few times when by September or October they'd changed their minds about what they wanted. I DID pick up some things in early Sept when summer stuff was on sale BIG TIME. Since I'm in Texas, 9 months out of the year is hotter than hell so having plenty of summer clothes is a big deal.
I'm not a grandmother yet but I don't know how you all do it when the kiddos start coming. Can get sooo expensive.
My husband and I try to do that too, Anne, although FUN for us it ISN'T. We ALWAYS argue about things because the hubster HATES to shop. Lately, he is in charge of electronics and gadgets and I do the foo foo stuff. LOL
I usually shop all year round and get done by November 1st at the latest but not so this year. I hit the stores yesterday and today. It wasn't as bad as I feared. My favorite was Big Lots. I SCORED for the kids there. I hit Amazon for movies for the hubby. I asked for that $90 ebook reader from my hubby and sent him a link (he hates to shop so I make it easy every year...how lucky is he??? LOL. He opens his email, hits the link, orders it on line, and just has to wrap it when it comes. DONE!) I always end up doing the shopping for everyone else. I'm still stumped about what to get the parents. They have everything already. SIGH.
Walmart ditched layaway, I ditched Black Friday. It's just not the same without the long line that turns into a party with someone making a coffee and donut run.
I'm usually pretty much done by Thanksgiving and it's just last minute ideas or requests. Or shopping for next year.
Not this year.
It's not that's it's harder for me to shop for my kids now that they're older, it's getting them to make that list they used to spend hours writing and days changing.
This is my favorite time of year -- I love the crowds, the extra noise...everything.
My mom, sister-in-law and I usually go shopping on Black Friday but more of the 'window shopping' or people watching variety. Mostly because of the years I spent as a news reporter for the local paper. Instead of doing the expected fluff piece on how stores got into the black or horror stories on animalistic shoppers stompeeding one another, I had a wicked sense of humor on what I covered, human interest wise. So, now that I'm outta the game, they drag me out of the house at an ungodly hour and have me point things out at various stores then feed me breakfast and lunch. If I ply things right I et prezzies too. This yer I netted some cool accessories for my new netbook so I scored.
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