Usually I'm not a big stickler about keeping the same writing process for all my books. Some of them I write my blurb and come up with a title ahead of time. With other books I just start writing and come up with the rest of it later. It works for me. Depending on the book or if its part of a series I tend to start it in a different way.
As I mentioned last week I've started working on more than one project. I have my current novella and a YA that I'm dabbling with at the same time. My novella WIP is dwindling down so I'm prepping to start work on the third Malone brother book but for some reason, I can't figure out a title. Like I said, this usually wouldn't be a big deal for me, but for some reason, with this book it is. I'm wracking my brain for a title and getting nothing, but its stalling my getting started with it as well. For some reason I can't start this without a title. Not sure if it's because with the two first Malone brothers I knew my title before hand so my muse is fighting me to do the same with this story or if my mind is just telling me to finish my WIP before I put any work into Shane Malone. I'm thinking this brother might just call for my undivided attention ;).
Is your writing process the same for each book or do you switch it up?
It's just the title that is stumping you? Write some FRIENDS and do some brainstorming...hint hint. I suck ROCKS at titles. I really do. But don't let something like a title keep you from starting. I had something totally different for Edge of Nowhere but then my heroine said something in the course of the book and BAM...had my title.
BTW...after your last post about doing several WIPS at once, I did this just to see how it works for me and it DOES. So thanks, Kell. It was a good idea.
It works, doesn't it, Regina. I'm almost finished with my novella and I've written a chapter and a half of my YA. It seems to keep you fresh!
Oh, and I will be emailing!
Mine sometimes changes with the book....I know that at times I first have to name the book before the muse lets me get into gear and work on it. Other times I just start and go with the flow of words...
My process is pretty much the same. I come up with the idea (in my head) then the title and characters, usually a synopsis, then I start writing. I can't write until I have a title and characters names. It's all flat to me without those things. I've found a character sheet helps too. If you have a longer story that you're writing and want to be sure you keep those facts straight...
I think some things are different from book-to-book. I often start with nothing, but a thought.
Sometimes I'll have a title that is often changed by the end. The character names I don't always have until I find I'm losing track of who is who.
Everything else is taken on by the characters. If I try to control the story, it sucks big time with one hitch after another until I give in to them. Some books, we fight a lot. I lose everytime.
I am definitely one who writes by the seat of her pants. Or rather, I'm the catalyst they use.
Fairly steady, but I have the occasional one that comes out pretty much linear, and that is NOT usual for me. I also write portions of some directly into the comptuter...also odd for me.
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