I'm home from the Lori Foster event and tired as hell. LOL I just can't seem to function worth a crap today. Amazing how something like this just zaps you of energy, huh?
I had a great time. Saw some old friends, met a few new ones and sold some books. Overall a great time! I'm not even going to try and recap this event. All I can say is that it's one of the best events because it feels like we're all just having fun with friends. Sort of like going to a family reunion. You get to catch up with everyone that you haven't seen for awhile, exchange email addresses, and have a few fuzzy navels (thanks to Pam! lol).
While I hung out with the other authors and readers, my kids and hubby went off and did their thing. They saw two movies, shopped, ate lunch out, and vegged in the hotel room. Oh, and Kati bought a snake. Meet Salizar. LOL
And of course there were folks that I would've loved to see. Kelley and Regina, I wish you both could've attended, that would've made the event complete for me!
And now, because I'm so brain dead I'm going to leave you with a few hunks!
And now I'm off to exercise. I went Friday to Sunday without even looking at my exercise DVDs and it felt good, I'm not gonna lie. LOL But the fantasy is over. Time to sweat, and not in the good way either!
Sigh. You have no idea how much I wish I was there. I miss the event. I had so much fun the two times I went. Next year for sure.
Sounds like y'all had a blast...I hope I can someday go to one of these events.
What kills me is I'm only four hours away from Cincy...and haven't been able to go YET! The first time I tried, my ride quit on me. No money the last two years. Maybe next year will be better????????
The Get Together was such fun. The fuzzy navels were yummy. It was great seeing some of the same people there year after year. Met a few new people this year. Totally sat next to the Queen of the f-bombs. ; -)
I had a bit of an odd experience driving from the airport to the hotel on Thursday and then flew out Sunday under a Tornado watch.
Regina, I hope you and Madison can come to the event next year.
The best part of the weekend was hanging out with my best bud Anne the whole time. This is the only time during the year we get to see each other. That was the best part of the whole weekend. :)
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