There are always books I'm excited about. Those that I'll be sure to get the week they release, but it takes a special author or series for a book to get me giddy excited. Here we are months away from the release of the newest book in the Night Huntress series and I literally danced around my living room when Jeaniene Frost revealed the cover today. And cherry on the pie... it's GORGEOUS!

I have to admit, this is my favorite series out there. There is something about Bones that is so delicious that no mere vampire, mortal, shifter or anything will compare to him in my book. I love the chemistry between Cat and Bones and adore Cat's kick ass attitude! If you've never read chapter 32 in book two... yeah, hottest piece of vampire lovin' I've ever read.
So with the reveal of the cover, I've already started a countdown to my most anticipated book of 2011!
What authors or series do you get on countdown mode for?
I must start buying more books and reading a wider range of authors. This cover is cool; makes me want to try the books!
Oh, I so adore this series. Yes, Bones is gorgeous and British, like me!!! Hehe!!!
in Germany
You should definitely try them, Natalie. LOVE the series and I think the covers are great too.
GAH I love Bones. LOL
You've wanted me to read her books and I've yet to start them. LOL
I go into countdown mode for Nalini Singh. LOVE her books!! My current favorite author!
Okay, Anne, lets make a deal. lol. I haven't read Singh's books SO, next shopping trip I will pick up the first in her series if you pick up the first Cat and Bones book :)
Looks like I've got another author to take a look at. Love that name...Bones.
And would love to get a look at pg 32.
Definitely going to check out this author Madison. Thanks for bringing her to my attention.
I haven't heard of this series but DAMN, it looks good. Love that cover. Seems I just don't have as much time to read as I once did. I miss it!
Tess, its the BEST series. Seriously read them. Bones is my all time favorite vampire. The man is SEXY as hell. And yes, chapter 32 in book two... there are shirts made that say chapter 32. lol. That's how memorable it is :)
Let me know if you read them. Book two is my fav of the series. This one coming out is book five.
Reg, you gotta read! LOL. I'd go crazy if I didn't get my reading in.
Oooops. Chapter 32 instead of page 32. Gotcha. I'll definitely pick up a copy. Thanks.
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