Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas treats

Wow... Isn't it funny how you spend so much time preparing for Christmas and then it seems like its gone in the blink of an eye? Christmas 2010 has already passed and I'm still in a little bit of shock about it.

I have to say... it has been one of the best Christmas's I've had in a long time though. You see, the week before was pretty exciting for me. It was a crazy, whirlwind of a weekend, where I ended up with four offers of representation from agents. In the end, I went with Denise Little of Ethan Ellenberg Literary and I couldn't be happier about it!

Then move onto Christmas. My girls had a blast. We spent the day with family, had good food and I watched a house full of smiling people all day. It's so incredible watching the look of awe on the little one's faces when they realize Santa came. How for that one day you don't hear, "I'm bored" LOL. I loved it.

And the icing on my Christmas cake this year? I was able to treat myself to a Christmas/Birthday gift. I now have my very own NOOK COLOR! It's so cool. I hardly ever do stuff like that for myself. It's easy to spend on the kids or hubby, but not so easy to spend on myself. I was proud I did it and you know what? I think I deserved it.

What is the best you have treated yourself to?

Remember, one lucky commenter will win a free copy of one of my books! Winner will be announced on Friday!


Regina Carlysle said...

You've had a whirlwind end to 2010, haven't you??? Such good news about the agent. I'm so dang happy for you, honey. Enjoy your Nook. Having fun playing with it?

Susan said...

This Christmas, I treated myself to a week on the beach in CA. I'm here right now and it is so much nicer than back in Illinois with the snow and bitter cold. Worth every penny.

Fedora said...

Wow, sounds lovely, Madison! I don't usually do a big gift-to-self during the holidays but save up and often splurge during Brenda Novak's auctions in May :)

Linda Henderson said...

I just treated myself this morning and ordered the first two seasons of Castle from Amazon while they were so cheap. I had accumulated a few small gift cards so I used them up for this purchase. Merry Christmas to me. I was sick all Christmas so I need a reward for having to spend the day alone away from the ones I love so as not to infect them. Congratulations on your agent and your new color Nook.

Madison Scott said...

Reg, Thanks! I am loving my Nook already!

Madison Scott said...

Susan, I am in CA too! Sounds like a great treat for someone who doesn't live here. I would love a week somewhere else.

Madison Scott said...

Oooh, good idea!

Madison Scott said...


Thank you!! I haven't seen that show, but heard great things about it!

Anonymous said...

Madison, its awesome that you got your Nook. Enjoy!

The most I've treated myself would be my iPod touch. i always have to listen to music so it was a biggie for me.

Anonymous said...

I felt the same way. The build up, the preperations, the cooking, gifts....oh my....then in two days it was all over!!!

I treated myself to some cross stitch patterns from my favourite designer, Joan Elliot.

in Germany

Brindle Chase said...

A Nook color!!! Woot, that is awesome!!! Congrats!!! I love my Nook-regular!!

My best treat was 4 years ago, I decided I was 40 and wasn't doing what I wanted in life... so I bought me a laptop for xmas and started writing!!! No more dreaming... just doing!

Wendy A said...

Hi Madison,
My husband left me about a month ago that was hard enough but i just got divorce papers today so I'm going to roll in a ball with my romance books and leave this reality until after New Years so i will talk to all of you ladies after New Years some time when i can deal with it better can you tell the other 4 for me I hope you have a Happy New Year.

Bye for now

Dianna C said...

The best gift I bought for myself...that is a flip between my ebook reader, which I cannot find right now so I think shortly I will prolly purchase the nook probably as a birthday pressy to myself, and this year I purchased a brand new audio bible that is done by a bunch of major hollywood is really kewl to listen to all the different voices say the different parts to the bible as I drive down the highway in my 18 wheeler!

Jen B. said...

Congrats on the Nook Color! I love my Kindle. Ebook reading is awesome. This year I gave myself a $100 Borders gift card and a new coat. What can I say, I am a simple girl with simple needs!

Elaine G said...

Congrats on the new agent and getting yourself a NOOK.
This year I treated myself to some new clothes.Its not much but usually I spend all my Christmas budget on the other members of my family.But I couldn't resist they were great deals :)

Zina said...

Congratulations on an agent and the Nook. I have finally started pampering myself with haircuts and deep conditioning and I had my first ever pedicure it was so nice.

Madison Scott said...

Yvonne, I want an iPod Touch!

Madison Scott said...

Valerie, I wish I was good with crafty stuff like that.

Madison Scott said...

Yay for Nook!

That's great! See what can come of treating yourself?

Madison Scott said...

Wendy, I am so sorry. I hope things get better for you.

Madison Scott said...

Diana, I hope you get the Nook and love it!

Madison Scott said...

100 dollars in books sounds NICE

Madison Scott said...

Thank you!! And clothes is great. I need them badly!

Madison Scott said...

A pedi sounds soooo nice.


Well, I did not treat myself to anything and I told my relatives not to get me anything. I have to much junk now.


Tiffany Jewelry said...

Thanks for God to give us life to learn love! Love is in every being!I guess you live in a happy family. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you.

Natalie Dae said...

Fab news on the agent and that you had a great Christmas. I did the same as you and treated myself to an ereader. I felt guilty for a while before purchase, pondering whether I should or not, but like you, I don't treat myself so I just went for it. So glad I did!
