Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My mind is on Christmas overload

It's true! My mind is on Christmas overload! I have so many thoughts going on, gifts to buy, food to get, meals to plan that I'm spacing out on a few things... Like my blog today! SO sorry I'm late! I will make it up to you.

The thing is, even though this time of season is crazy busy, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love running around like a chicken with my head cut off when its because I'm planning a special day. That's what this time is about right? Spending time with the family. Making it special. Making good meals to fill their stomachs and hearts. Buying gifts to put a smile on their faces.

Love it! This is my favorite time of year. It just makes me happy. Even when I'm fighting through mobs at the store to find the perfect gift, I'm smiling.

I know we're talking about memories this month and this isn't really a memory. It's kind of a free-for-all of everything going on in my head so why don't you do the same. Share something happy, a memory, your favorite thing about the season, your favorite dessert to cook for Christmas dinner. Anything. What makes Christmas special to you?

And because I'm late today and feel so bad, I'll randomly draw TWO winners from today's commenters who will win their choice of one of my ebooks. Click HERE for a list of my books!


Wendy A said...

This Christmas I am make everybody homemade Christmas cookies and I'll be cooking all week but thats okay because what is Christmas without xmas deserts.

anny cook said...

At our grocery store Father Christmas was greeting everyone outside, wishing them Merry Christmas. It made me smile.

Elaine G said...

I'm always the Christmas baker. At the beginning of the month I get recipes emailed to me, that I just have to make.As well as all the favorites. that's what I've been doing today.And will be doing tomorrow and Friday. I'll have so much stuff baked everyone will be taking loads of it home with them. I swear they just make me make all that so they can take it home :)

Happy Holidays!

Tess MacKall said...

Yep, that's it,'s crazy around my house. In addition to all the Christmas stuff going on and shopping with people all around me that act like the stores are going to run out of gifts...odd things are happening too. Like dishwashers breaking and flat tires and such.

And I am soooo busy anyway. Don't need the added stress.

Happy Holidays hon

Cecile Smutty Hussy said...

Oh let's see.... It's kinda sad when I think of it... Wrapping presents. I do this alone... well kinda. I have to puppies who manage to make in the room I am wrapping in. And they kinda help, if you can taking off with my supplies, lol. But I love it. I like to think that I am kinda wrapping a smile up in each one!
This is an awesome giveaway, you are too sweet! Please count me in!

Madison Scott said...

love homemade cookies!

Madison Scott said...

Anny, we have a woman who does that by our Wal-Mart and she sings and she's so happy. it makes me smile too.

Madison Scott said...

Mmmm, more baking. I'm a terrible baker.

Madison Scott said...

Love that your puppies help!

Susan said...

Yum, homemade cookies. I managed to finagle a few at work today but that's about it this year. I think I am regretting the lack of a fridge the most this month that I have in the year that I've been without LOL. This is an insane time of the year at home, at work and at play!

Regina Carlysle said...

You might have been late in posting but I'm late in replying! I'm soooo sorry. Like you, I've been running around like a crazy woman. When I start to get frazzled, making lists really helps. Every day this week I've attacked SOMETHING on 'The List'. Now the worst thing is coming up with gift ideas for myself. My kids always wait until the last freakin' minute to ask and then I'm going...uhhhhh ummmmmm uhhhhhh. So tonight I'm making a short list of inexpensive items. Honestly? I would love something ridiculously schmaltzy and sentimental but I don't think that will happen. Maybe a charm bracelet with a Mom charm or something. My favorite thing in the world is being MOM. :-)

Anonymous said...

My favorite is going to see Santa. Even though I don't sit on his lap any more my kids do and it is always fun for me to see that.

Molly Daniels said...

Merry Christmas Madison! Thanks to my hubby's unemployment being reinstated, we're off to do some last-minute shopping:) We've been doing a 'reverse' Christmas, donating unwanted toys to local charities.

The Scarf Princess said...

My favorite thing about the holidays is getting to watch the movie ELF over, and over, and over. I adore that movie and I actually get a bit teary eyed at the end. I enjoy watching it while putting up the tree and while wrapping gifts. Puts me in the mood every time.

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com