Before we get started on today's topic, I wanted to give a big shout out to Melissa Bradley and her Imaginarium blog http://melissasimaginarium.blogspot.com for nominating Three Wicked Writers Plus Two for the Stylish Blogger Award. We are indeed honored and will pass along the kudos for sure.
For those who have been nominated, there are few criteria to meet:
1. Thank and link back to the person who nominated you, only do not re-nominate them.
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Pass along this nomination to 10 recently discovered stylish and cool bloggers
4. Contact them and tell them about their nomination.
Without further ado and in no particular order, here are my Stylish Blog nominees:
Sweet 'n' Sexy Divas: http://sweetnsexydivas.blogspot.com
Elizabeth Black: http://trishwilson.typepad.com
Kissa Starling: http://kissastarling.com
C Zampa: http://authorczampa.blogspot.com
CJ England: http://cjslivingdreams.blogspot.com
Brindle Chase: http://brindlechase.blogspot.com
Mahalia Levey: http://mahalia2010.wordpress.com
Mary Suzanne: Mary-Suzanne.blogspot.com
Debbie Gould: http://www.authordebbiegould.com/apps/blog
Destiny Blaine: http://destinyblaine.blogspot.com
And here are seven things about myself:
1. I love turnip greens with vinegar poured over them.
2. My hair is naturally curly but I usually style it straight, but sometimes scrunch it.
3. I have hazel eyes. Mostly they stay green, but sometimes change to dark blue.
4. I'm a great cook but do less and less of it due to time constraints.
5. I love to embarrass my kids in public places--I dance and sing right much. lol
6. I'm a firm believer that you can fall in love within two minutes of seeing someone.
7. One day I want to live by the ocean.
Now for today's post:
Help me prove that Cupid isn’t that smart. Just relate the story in three or four hundred words or less—tell me about a horrible gift or date, anything at all about a bad Valentine’s Day experience—and you’ll become a part of my UNValentine’s Day Blog Tour. Send stories to: Tess at teasyone@hotmail.com Authors and readers are both invited to participate in this zany look at the big red heart-shaped day. If you’re an author with a website or blog—or a reader who blogs—include your link (nothing wrong with a little promo).
And now a little on that all-important day.
Turn on the TV. You can’t escape it. Love is in the air. Forced love, that is. The media is whipping everyone into thinking that they better be paired up for THE DAY. I walked into Wal-Mart and was immediately besieged by stuffed animals and chocolate galore. There is a scent that goes along with Valentine’s Day too.
And it doesn’t smell good. At least not to me.
Do we really need to set aside one day a year to spend money in order to show/tell someone we love them? Granted, I might be just a tad prejudiced against this day in general as I’m not coupled, but think about it. We reserve one day a year to make someone we love feel special. Shouldn’t that be an everyday occurrence? Shouldn’t we be working at relationships?

So why DID I write it? I’m a writer. I write. AND…I still hold out hope that one day Cupid will get it right. I had an idea for a quirky tale of love and an unlikely couple. I tossed it all together and BAM…there it was. It started out as a free read but just wouldn’t let go. By the time I reached ten thousand words I began to panic. The story simply wouldn’t end. It finally topped out at around thirty-five thousand. Definitely not a free read. It’s a nice feel-good romance. Not something that must be strictly read in the month of February either. It’s a story for all seasons. After all, love isn’t seasonal, is it? Take that, Cupid!
In the story the hero buys a few things for the heroine and it got me thinking about gifts on Valentine’s Day. And that made me think about VD’s of yesterday and some things I’d received and about some friends and what they’d received. All of that, in turn, started me thinking about what I’ll be blogging about during VD season. I’ll be on a few blogs here and there and since my book is all about the TWELVE days of love—a take-off on the Twelve Days of Christmas—I decided to put a slightly different spin on things. I’m not going to go the hearts and flowers route. I’m going to go the what-the-hell-happened? route.
In other words, I’ll be walking on the bad side of VD. The gifts that didn’t work out. The love that didn’t work out. The chocolate that BROKE her out—big red spots. AND a little of this and a little of that on what to watch out for from that diaper-wearing-bow-carrying-slightly-off-center dude with wings.
As of now, I’ll be visiting with Melissa Bradley’s Imaginarium on Feb 4 for zany ValentineLESS fun. http://melissasimaginarium.blogspot.com
Stopping in with Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz at One Writer’s Journey on Feb 14 for an interview.
Having my say over at Robin Badillo’s Sealed With A Kiss blog on Feb14. http://www.robinbadillo.blogspot.com
Telling it like it is at Misty Burke's Up All Night E-Books http://upallnightebooks.blogspot.com Feb 14
Handing out more of my opinion at Raine Delight’s Book Nook on Feb 16. http://rainedelightbooknook.blogspot.com
AND…I’ll be settling in over at The Sweet ‘N’ Sexy Diva’s Blog on Feb 26 where I’m going to try to wind up my thoughts on the whole love-in-a-day fiasco. http://sweetnsexydivas.blogspot.com
Plus, I’ll be on my own blog, here on Three Wicked Writers Plus Two, at Midnight Seductions Authors, Nice 'n' Naughty Authors, and on Four Strong Women.
So, are you game? Ready to help me prove that the day isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? Ready to strip Cupid naked—well, wouldn’t take much there, would it?—and show his bad aim to the world? If you are, send me your story as stated at the beginning of this post to: teasyone@hotmail.com
In the meantime, I’m still booking blog dates. So if you’d like to have me on your blog during the month of love, well, contact me. LOL Remember, mine is the BAH HUMBUG view on VD. No hearts and flowers for sure. It’s the UNValentine’s Day Blog Tour.
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