Years ago when all the kids were living at home we took trips for spring break. It might be shopping in Dallas or heading to San Antonio to take the kids to Sea World (and more shopping) but times have certainly changed. Family trips with all four of us seem to be a thing of the past and I hate that. Mainly it's due to everyone getting older, moving off, having evil day jobs and things like that. It's rather sad but it has been like this for about five years or more now. Some things we just never get used to, huh? So today, and for the rest of the week, I'll hang with my daughter and we'll talk, catch up, stay in town and see what's what.
In other news: I'm happy to announce that Return to Delight, a contemporary western, has been contracted by Ellora's Cave for their Lawless line. Waiting for edits and a beautiful new shiny cover which I'll most certainly show off as soon as possible. I'm also working on Rio's Touch, book three of the Savage Sanctuary series, and hope to have this finished by the end of the month. Once spring break is over I'll head back into my cave and whip it out.
Special thanks to my friend, author Allie Standifer, who felt my pain last week over the loss of my Cadbury Creme Eggs. She kindly sent me a box of them which I quickly 'stashed away' in a secret location.
It's good to get things out of the way. And nothing wrong with kicking back a little either, Reg.
So glad Avery is home and you're happy.
As for those eggs Allie sent you??? Where did you hide them? I promise not to tell Mr. Regina. lol
Heh. Hide those eggs in a good spot!
Enjoy your time with your daughter and congrats on the new contract.
I miss time with my kids, when i get to spend time with them i make the most of it. If you are like me i miss them being little,have fun with your daughter a little spring break for you will give your mind time to rest then you will be ready to write again.
Congrats on the new contract. It is nice that you get to spend time with family. Enjoy your time.
My hubby and our son are spring breaking without me this week. EDJ has me working (no time off)and they left early Monday morning to go to the coast to see hubby's family, fish, swim and bascially leave me alone. Hubby says that this is my vacation, too. NOT! Still working.
You and Avery have fun this week. Congrats on the new contract and looking forward to Rio's story.
I hope you hid those eggs good. LOL!
Just remember where you put those eggs. Don't want to find them months later because something smells. LOL!
Hi everyone...just wanted to let you know that Rita's computer has a virus and she can't get online. Her email was hacked today too. Some of you may have received an email from her saying she was in Spain and needed money because she was robbed or something. lol Damn hackers.
Anyway, she's fine but can't get on to comment to anyone right now. I'm sure she'll stop by once her computer situation is fixed.
I thought about you and your stolen creme eggs yesterday when I was checking out another blog. Here is a link to the YouTube videos:
The first one is just silly and the second on is...something other than silly. Hope you enjoy them!
Those commercials are some of the funniest I've seen. There is a spew alert, though. Do NOT put anything near or in your mouth when you view them..........
Trust me on this one!
Congratulations on Return to Delight! And, almost as important...I'm so glad you got your Cadbury Eggs! Fantastic!
Congrats on the new contract!!
I know what you mean: My oldest came home and realized he'd left his laptop charger in Grandpa's truck. So he's hijacked MINE and the internet for several hours each day. Grrrr...
Thanks to all you lovely adorable ladies for coming by yesterday. GAH. I was in Spain and stranded and didn't even KNOW IT! My emails are a mess today...still.
Yep. Hid those damn eggs..believe it! LOL.
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