Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Office Space

For the past few weeks, I've been getting ready for a group of friends to show up for a little 'writers retreat'. Desiree Holt, Nicole Austin, Brenna Zinn, and Allie Standifer are expected on Thursday for several days of fun and games so I've been getting my place ready for company. They aren't in the least picky ladies and logically I KNOW that but still, I'd like my house to sparkle like a diamond since they've never been here before.

Now I don't know how it happened but for some reason when I started cleaning and re-arranging, I couldn't stop. I've tackled closets like a crazy lady (lucky thing nothing BIT me) and thrown out bag after bag of old CRAP that I've been hanging onto for years. Hey, I think we all have those closets. Do you have a junk drawer in your kitchen? I have several that include a messy tangle of kitchen gadgets, instruction books for refrigerators and stoves, and the random recipe that might be written on an old envelope. The other day I found a booklet for a can opener I haven't even OWNED for ten years years. How crazy is that and why do we save this kind of stuff? I swear, I feel like a hoarder. EWWWW.

Anyway, I decided I was long past due to fix up my office space a little bit. When my son moved away from home years ago, I converted his bedroom into my office and I've loved working here. It's a nice sized room with a cherry sleigh bed and matching armoir/entertainment center. In one corner, I have a big silk palm tree and I keep a little coffee pot on the bedside table. My desk? Well until recently it was a big, fat mess. Stuff everywhere and there was no rhyme or reason to most of it. After cleaning the mess away (little notes and other assorted BS), it's looks fairly decent. Here is some of what I now have on and around my writing desk. Desktop monitor (naturally), scented candle (for inspiration), a cute 'cat thing' that holds assorted pens, a phone, a note pad, a few bottles of perfume (because they are pretty and I randomly squirt myself), lip balm and hand lotion (absolute MUST HAVES for me). I have assorted pretty pictures hung on my walls yet around my desk area I have framed photos from my trips to EC's Romanticon, a cool bulletin board, and a framed copy of an award I won (again at Romanticon). The space is still a work in progress but, in a nutshell, this is my workspace and where I spend most of my days.

Once I've finished it up, I'll definitely post some pics here. What does your workspace look like? What are your 'must have' items?


Anonymous said...

So honey, where's the picture? Can't wait to see it> And now I know where you get your inspiration for all those great stories.

Lisa Alexander Griffin said...

Regina, my workspace is just a recliner and laptop table in the living room. lol. Really hope you and your guest have a wonderful time. Sounds awesome! :)

Kathy Kulig said...

Sounds like a great new space and a fun retreat coming up. I love my new desk. I do need to put up some pics and a bulletin board. Post the pics of your writers cave when it's finished. ;)

Tess MacKall said...

Your office sounds great. Especially the bed. lol

I have a large alcove area at the end of my hall. It's a 12 X 12 and one window. The walls are textured and are painted peach with bright white wood trim.

My desk? It's a mess! My chair is not comfortable. And I DO have a day bed where I plop on frequently to rest and pretend I'm a tortured writer. lol

I never seem to have time to do what I want to with my office. I'm hoping I'll get some things done this summer. But time is already getting away from me. sighhhhh So much to do otherwise!

Harlie Williams said...

My workspace at home is either the kitchen table or my bed. We live in a house with maybe 1000 sqft, so space is very limited. Our desktop computer is in the den, so its not quiet at all.

We clean out Brian's room this weekend and we had 2 boxes of toys and books alone for Goodwill. Plus, Thad decided to clean the carport and that entailed a trip to the dumpster at his work.

Harlie Williams said...

Now at work, I just have pics of my son up. I know, boring.

Emmy Ellis said...

I've got messy at my desk lately. I'll list what's on my desk atm.

Monitor (behind that are bills and things I don't like. I throw them there and hope they'll go away.)

A Snow White Grumpy pen holder containing, err, lemme count...17 pens in assorted colours.

A Grumpy soft toy.

Another stack of bills--the ones I feel like dealing with first; also includes my three notebooks for work, a calendar, my ereader, and, holding it all upright (it's stacked against the wall) is a framed photo of me and Hub on our wedding day.

A Barbie doll still in its box.

A clock.

iPod player remote control.

Lip balm.

A Tutenkhamun (sp?) paperweight holding down no paper. WTF?

A necklace.

My purse/wallet.

House phone.

An empty glass.

Sweet jar with no sweets in it. Oops.

Mouse & mat.

Framed thingy hubby gave me. It says: Take 5, now breathe! (I get irate at my computer a lot.)

I've now decided I must clean my desk.

Oh, and I forgot to mention dust.


anny cook said...

Good going, Regina. If I had a bed in my "office", I would spend way too much time sleeping.

And If I described my work space, we would still be here next Tuesday. Sigh... suppose I should clean.

Regina Carlysle said...

Hey Des! Can't wait to see you in a few days. We'll celebrate your b'day BIG TIME! I'll post a pic once I get everything the way i want it!

Regina Carlysle said...

Lisa, working in a recliner with a laptop sounds great. I've been so tempted to get a laptop since the prices have dropped so much. It would be nice to be able to move around a bit and check out different scenery.

Regina Carlysle said...

You did a blog about writing spaces not long ago didn't you, Kathy? Glad you're loving the nice new desk. That's on my agenda too, eventually.

Regina Carlysle said...

Tess, I love the sound of your space. Sounds downright cozy! HOnestly, the bed gets me in trouble (especially mid afternoon) and the tv doesn't help either. LOL

Regina Carlysle said...

It's amazing the junk we accumulate Harley! Seems every few years, I have huge sacks for Goodwill or Salvation Army. They are great about picking stuff up, too! I like that!

Regina Carlysle said...

Em...love the Grumpy stuff. Must get some of that! LOL. It's funny the things we surround ourselves with, isn't it? Seems I have a weird mix of things but I love them.

Regina Carlysle said...

Anny, if you're like me you put off the cleaning stuff until you just HAVE to. Once I start, I can't seem to stop. Rather manic!

Marie Rose Dufour said...

Despite having a really nice home office, I do all of my writing on the couch in the living room with my laptop! Your space sounds so nice, especially the bed!

Billy London said...

Er, my desk is my bed! It's a pine framed one so I can rest a cup of tea behind me. When the weather is nicer (the last day of never in this country) the park will be my desk!

Anonymous said...

I have two work spaces. One is at home where I'm trying be a writer. My office is a mess! My monitor and keyboard are in the center. Everything to the left is notes and scribbles when something pops into my head. That would be a stack of notebooks filled with crap I can't even make out what they say anymore. Everything to the right is related to my salon. That would include the floor on both sides of my big comfy chair. I have a fold out sofa on the wall opposite the desk and colored and black and white photos of various sizes in different style frames of my family, siblings and parents. Oh, and a treadmill in the corner by the window that my feet have actually walked on all of a few hours in 7 years! Lol!

Now my salon is a different story. It is pristine and clean and in perfect order at all times. Every hair product, hair color, and supplies have their exact place, doesn't matter if they're displayed, in a cabinet or drawer. If it's been moved 1/16 of an inch--I know it, and then all hell breaks lose. Total OCD issues. Too bad that condition doesn't follow me home!!


Maggie Nash said...

A sleigh bed? Cool!! I can think of how that can be used for inspiration :-)

My office space is my lap and wherever I am at the time. At the moment it's in bed a lot, but also the family room, the kitchen table, on my alphie in a coffee shop or in the car while I drive my son around for his paper round.

I dream about getting my own office...*sigh*

Regina Carlysle said...

That bed gets me in LOTS of trouble, Marie Rose! LOL

Regina Carlysle said...

Awwww Billy! Writing in the park sounds WONDERFUL. I must get a laptop.

Regina Carlysle said...

Elece, this comment is really interesting. Sounds like, because you have clients you keep the salon stuff PERFECT. That's very smart. Maybe we just relax when it comes to the writing thing. We can be messy or not...whatever works.

Regina Carlysle said...

Maggie, I'm crossing my fingers you get your office. They are so nice but you know, it's cool to be portable. We are soooo active, always running. Being able to take a laptop gives us not excuse not to write! LOL

Allie Standifer said...

You are nuts! Now I'm gonna have to bring out the white glove and test every flat surface. If I find a speck of dust we'll leave in a huff. Then again wave a bottle of choco wine around and who the hell cares if there's even furniture?

Eileen said...

Sounds like your desk space is similar to my office space at work. Besides the usual computer, office supplies, phone and books for the job, I have a few photos of family that are special to me. I also do the same thing and have a few comfort things like lotion, chaptstick and nail clippers.
When I work from home I sit at the kitchen table. I have to fight for space with the breakfast dishes.
have a great time at your writers retreat! sounds like fun.

Shirelle Higgins said...

Sounds like a wonderful place to work! My workspace is, well...my bed, the kitchen table, the breakroom at my "other job", the couch...you get the idea!

Mia Watts said...

You have a lovely home. And just for a bit, I almost wished I still lived in Texas so I could join y'all. *sigh*

My office space is a recliner in my living room. Oh, I did create a dedicated space outside my bedroom in an alcove, but my older daughter set up shop there. She writes manga yoie and has 5k followers a month. So proud!

My recliner has a small table beside it with external hard drives, flash drives, kleenex box and coasters, usually tea or diet caffeine free coke, a small table lamp, my cell, and admittedly, some kind of snack. Right now it's cheetos puffs, which have been there for three days taunting me. That is courtesy of my younger daughter because I forget to eat when I work.

One day, I'll have an office too. I'd love to frame my covers and put up my awards. :)