Today it seems the world is geared toward youth. Starletts starve themselves to be in style and the tabloids are full of all the crazy-assed stuff they do, what they wear, how they live (or party). Between you and I, I'm sick of it. Why don't they grow up already? Same with the guys to a certain extent and yeah, there are some great looking younger celebs out there but I think something is missing.
Who says younger is better? I don't get it. Some of the most beautiful women and YES...MEN are over forty. Some are even in their 60's. Ummm. Tom Selleck anyone? The man has always been rugged and sexy and that remains unchanged today.
To me there is nothing sexier than a man who has it all together. No, he's not perfect by any means but what one of is IS? These are men who have gained wisdom, experience and manage it all it aplomb and a great sense of humor. They are growing older gracefully and doing it with style. Here are some of my favorite Silver Foxes. Do you have a favorite among them? Honestly, I had more pics but this post should only be soooo long, ya know? There's Hugh Grant...funny with that naughty smile. Tough but witty Bruce Willis...and who doesn't love a man who says...yeah, I'm bald. So what? Get over it! Do you love the sexy elegance of Pierce Brosnan? Who doesn't?
Surely, you have an opinion. Who's your favorite older guy? What is it about him that makes you sigh and say...wow, what a MAN!
Older men are deifinitely hot. My husband is 21 years older than I am....yum!!!
George will always be a wowza guy, he has the to die for smile!!
However, Jon Bon Jovi still rocks my world!! He's aged rather nicely and still keeps me swooning!
Very cool! However, I don't see Sam Elliott here...just saying...M:)
Ahhhh man...Sam Elliot and Jon Bon Jovi...great choices and both soooo yummy. They are on MY list too.
So many men, so little space!
I think part of the appeal is the fact that older men are wiser. It's true and you know it! And by that I mean, they know the wisdom of slowing down and taking their time. They know the importance of showering a lady with sweet words and sparing no expense. They're detail oriented too, which is very important in the bedroom!
Younger men are quick, impulsive and a bit full of themselves.
Give me an older guy any day, he's going to be the one to curl your toes in bed because he knows exactly what he's doing. LOL!
and Tom Selleck...good lord I just love that man. He is SOOO hot!
Ahem...excuse me, Regina, lol, but J Depp just turned 46 on June 9. He is THE MAN. As for Brad, I never cared for him.
Now Clooney is HAWT. So is Richard Gere. And the funny thing is, even when I was younger, in my teens and all through my thirties, I never wanted a young guy. And still don't. I always wanted someone older. It's because of the seasoning! lol Yep, they know what the world is all about and OTHER stuff too. WINK
And someone mentioned Sam Elliot. I always had a thing for him too.
Love the pics, Thanks for the treat.
Oh! And Tom Selleck. I actually met him years ago. Early nineties. He was in my area playing golf. Talk about pretty. That man could melt steel. I was a pool of flesh at his feet. It was so hard to maintain, it really was. lol Hard to pretend you aren't fascinated when you are dying. Good thing I was wearing sunglasses so he couldn't see me staring. lol And his voice. Good Lord, slap me, somebody please!
and am I the only one who gets all quivery when Sam Elliott talks? Good lordy that man has a sexy voice! IMDB has a lot of cool photos of Sam... http://www.imdb.com/media/rm381720576/nm0000385
Sean Connery...need I say more!
Anne, you are so right about Sam Elliott's sexy voice.
Harrison Ford tops my list:) And yes, so does Jon Bon Jovi and Joe Elliot (Def Leppard). The years haven't been as kind to Robert Redford, but I still love him!
Sam Elliot's voice!!! Good Lord, Anne. I want to go out and buy a side of beef every time I hear one of those: "Beef, it's what's for dinner" commercials he does. lol
Isn't it amazing how sexy a voice can be?
LOL TESS!!! I hear ya. You know, Sam Elliott is the only guy my husband gets jealous over. I guess he likes to be the only guy in my life with the sexy voice. hehe!
Barb--Sean is so hot!!
Mmmm Clive Owen. Yummy.
All the guys you mentioned are great, but I have to with Harrison Ford.
I am totally, completely in love with Denzel Washington. I always have been. There is something about him. He's not only gorgeous but you can tell he's a really, really good guy. Smart, caring, funny....I just love him. He tops all my lists.
Clive is yummy as well. I like Jon Bon Jovi too.
Is this the wrong time to point out that Brad Pitt is over 40? Just asking....
GC is my all-time favorite, and he didn't have to grow up to get there. Fell in love with him when I was a teen, and he was Mrs. Garrett's nephew....
I'll admit, I'm not so much about the age as the man...the LOML may be older and wiser now, but he was plenty good starting in his 20s, too.
Well, CRAP TESS. MY BAD!!!! Oooh, then Johnnie definitely qualifies, doesn't he? He's come a long way since the Winona Forever/Wino Forever tatoo days, huh???
And, well, what can you say about GEORGE???? Sigh.
WOW...busted again, Lara!!! Brad is now a Silver Fox!!!
When did they all grow up. Damn, I'm OLD. LMAO.
Oh I totally forgot to mention my all-time fave. Bruce Willis just does it for me.
Sam Elliots voice could melt butter!!! Remember him in the Louis L'Amour westerns like The Long Riders? He was always such a badass who had that rugged, rusty voice. Yeah...Beef. It's what's for DINNER.
Funny thing about Richard Gere. I've always loved him..Officer and A Gentleman and others but damn, as the man got older...he got BETTER. I love him in his glasses too.
Kelley, I fell in love with Denzel in Glory. Remember when he stole the shoes and they whipped him and there was the scene with that single tear running down his face. I still shiver when I see that. Not only a GREAT actor but he seems to be a real loving family man. No divorce after divorce for this guy! Totally HAWT.
Oooh Barb...Sean Connery. Remember when he was People's Sexiest Man Alive at HIS age??? The comments from readers went through the roof about how age is NO barrier to sexiness.
And Bruce is just so sly. Love his naughty smile mixed with all that macho.
Hi Amy! You just mentioned my current very favorite hottie. Clive Owen smokes up the screen in everything. Anyone see him in Sin City???
My favorite Denzel movie was The Bone Collector. In the movie he's paralyzed and I was absolutely a fan of his afterwards!
You know, Johnny and Brad are older, but for some reason I never view them as older. I'm not sure why that is. Mabye because they still look so young?
Ooh I love me some George Clooney, Clive Owen and Bruce Willis. Hot , hot hot :)
I like Timothy Olyphant too.
So many great guys mentioned already! Some of my favorites not mentioned already include: Lee Tergesen, Christopher Meloni, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Dean Winters.
I completely forgot about Timothy Olyphant. Lordy..those eyes. I was a huge Deadwood fan. Talk about laying it all out there. I looked forward to every scene he was in.
Jeffery Dean Morgan is HOT! HOT! HOT!
Jeffery Dean Morgan is flippin HOT!
Regina-I've seen almost every Denzel movie ever made :) Glory is great.
Richard Dean Anderson, Pierce Brosnan...
I agree on the Jon Bon Jovi. I wasn't much into him when he was young, but man has he aged into a rather fine man. You've mentioned or posted most of my favorites, Antonio Banderas, Pierce Brosnan and Denzel Washington. But there is one older (and I mean older man) whose voice makes me melt like butter on a sidewalk in July...Alan Rickman. And goodness help me the Scottish comedian Billy Connolly made my heart pound when I was a teenager and he still does.
I love older men too,my favorites are Adrian Paul & Sam Elliot.Oh man these guys are hot!
Clive Owen makes me go all weak and fluttery... and I completely agree about Sam Elliot's voice.
I love Jeremy Irons' voice too. *sigh*
This was a fun post!
I love Antonio since he first arrived on the scene. Never forget him in Desperado. If you haven't seen it, you must. Bloody and violent movie but DAY-UM. That long black hair. hot hot hot
Antonio Banderas, Clive Owen (is he old enough to be in that category?), and Sean Connery. I want them all! Yummy ;)
Hi Katie! Actually, I was surprised to learn that Clive is 44. Isn't he just soooo hot?
LOL I like guys a bit younger than I am, but definately want the over 40 maturity (I'll be 46 soon). They younger guys may be pretty but there is rarely any 'personality' in their faces. It's like they are waiting for their stories to be written.
Adrian Paul(my son is named after him, LOL), Jon Bon Jovi, George Clooney are so hot and Sam Elliot's voice is amazing. Sean Connery and Patrick Stewart just keep getting better. My new lust object is Christopher Meloni. 47 looks great on him, Yum! I met Pierce Brosnan. He is such a gentleman and that accent is always great.
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