Today I want to talk about something fun. Romantic locations. What makes a place romantic? I think it's who you're with, that right there is half the battle. The other half is setting the mood. In my first published release I have the couple in a cabin in the woods. A few reviewers who are 'city girls' swore that wasn't very romantic until they read Haley's Cabin, then they were ready to find their own Jeremy Pickett and head off into the woods! LOL
So, clearly we writers can make any location seem romantic, but I'm personally trying to think of a place to have a second honeymoon. Oh, not this year, maybe not for a few years yet even, but I'd like to (someday) go away with my husband and do it up right. No expense spared! So, with my youngest daughter's help I started to search out the MOST romantic locations. I found 7 and I'm going to share them with you here and I want you to tell me which place you think is the most romantic and why. Ready?
#1 Cape Cod, Massachusetts. There's something so completely romantic about a lighthouse. I don't know what it is. I can so easily picture walks on the beach, drinks by the fire, a carefree week spent with no outside influences at all. Sound exciting?
#2 An expensive hotel in the Cayman Islands. I've always wanted to go there! Sand, surf, the least amount of clothing possible. Fruity drinks and room service. Days spent lounging about making love and licking whipped cream off each other, evenings spent dancing and forgetting all your troubles. Maybe even a third party joining in. Sort of a 'what
happens in the Caymans stays in the Caymans' kind of wild time. Kinky, huh?
#3 Cliffs of Ireland. Ah, now we're going back in time, aren't we? This place just speaks to the romantic in all of us, I think. At the heart of every woman is the dream of visiting Ireland with their husband. Stepping off the grid and having picnics and telling each other tragic romance stories and pretending that time has somehow stood still. That life has given us a gentle reprieve from reality. And all that matters is making love on the hauntinly beautiful rocky cliffs.
#4 Cabin in the woods. This is the type of vacation where you let your imagination take you on a ride. You'd pretend you're a teenager again and you're with him for the first time. Suddenly the years fall away and you see him as the hot, wild, guy that you flirted with shamelessly. In your mind you envision that you're way too innocent and he's about to take total advantage of that...hot tubs, hot chocolate and very naughty games of strip poker!
#5 A cruise to exotic locations. This romantic vacation would be all about indulging appetites. Pleasing all the senses, but esp. touch and taste. I have this idea in my head. Lots of delicicious food and lots of hours making love! What better way to spend a week?
#6 Rome, Italy. I've always wanted to visit Rome. This place seems so timeless and so perfect for a second honeymoon, don't you think? We could tour the city during the day and then later in the evening pretend to be members of some sort of rich Roman Empire...hehe.
#7 the master bedroom. This is the final stop on the tour, ladies. Your own bedroom. The wonderful places I mention above are exciting and romantic, but maybe the most romantic place in the world is only a few steps away. A few candles, some soft music, the kids staying at a grandma's house for the weekend...grab the wine bottle, the strawberries and the chocolate sauce and let the games begin!
OOWWWWWWW. My head hurts!!!! Too many damn choices, Anne. LOL. Ireland or Italy? mmm. Close call but I'd have to go with Italy. My sister and her husband went there years ago and said it was sooo romantic and beautiful. On the continent though, I'd have to say the mountain cabin rings my bells. Love the idea of crisp mountain air, hot buttered rum in front of a crackling fire.
Wow...time to hunt down my travel agent.
Regina and I think alike because my choices are Ireland or Italy too. My hubby and I plan to go to Italy one day. It's a dream of ours. I've always wanted to go to Ireland. Someday....
Hi Kell! My sister told me you MUST visit Florence. She said it was gorgeous and takes you back to another time. She couldn't stop talking about it.
As long as there are ocean waves to listen to, it's romantic. I love walking on the beach with someone special.
Regina--lol! I actually had a few more places lined up, but i narrowed it down.
Kelley--I'd love to go to Italy too. My mother's dad and her grandmother lived in Italy and it's always been a dream of mine to go there someday!
Tess--I love the waves too. Peaceful and romantic. :)
Hmmmm. Well none of them really appeal to me except home. Probably because I'm a real home body. All of them were lovely, but I think that ultimate comfort is at home. Just turn off the damn phone!
You know, Anny, there's something to be said for HOME, too. As long as the kids are elsewhere and the phone is off, you're good to go.
I went to Rome last year for a Valentine's getaway. Very nice *grin*
And the first holiday I had with my other half was in Dublin. We both drank far too much guiness...
I'm in the UK - so these places are a hope, skip and a jump away hehe
Best place though was being in the Egyptian desert with him, walking around the base of a pyramid. The wind and the silence and simply holding hands... Probably an odd romantic location but it worked for me ;-)
I agree that Italy would be my top pick, there are so many things to see and it's all about spending time together.....but as for lounging just with your honey.... I would go with Cape Cod, we live on the coast and the beach is so amazing. I was never a beach girl before and now it's just fabulous. Last night another mom and I took a group of kids for a bonfire party. LOL!! I kept thinking that I want to bring G down here and do this, it was so beautiful watching the glorious colors of the sunset, holding hands, cuddling and more, the cool breeze on your face and back to the basics, roasting hotdogs and marshmallows....and of course I would bring wine next time too.
Anny--love the home idea and whenever you want to relive it, you can with very little expense! the hardest part for me would be prying the laptop out of his hands! LOL But, I might be able to coax him, huh? hehe
Kim--not odd at all! I'm totally in love with Egypt and the pyramids. I would love to go there someday! I should have had that on the list of choices, darn it!
Tonya--you totally had me sighing. Great picture you paint there! :)
I love Italy. I was there last month and ate a cassata siciliana (heavenly ice cream) right at the the Fountain of Trevis, the one in your picture. But Rome is so crowded now. I prefer the Italian Riviera. Keep Sorrento in mind. I don't know Ireland but loved the Cayman Islands. If I may suggest we have gorgeous spots, very romantic in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. As Tess said it, as long as there is an ocean...
How do you choose? If the man of my dreams were to take me anywhere with him, shower me with love and affection, wine, excellent food and chocolate, that would be romantic enough for me.
There is an incredibly peaceful, beautiful, romantic and...strangely homey place in France - on the French Riviera - St. Jean de Cap Ferat - can't shake the feeling, even though it's been years since my ex-and I have been there. For some reason, it always pops into my head when I try to "summon" the good times that all the psych-therapists tell you that you ought to summon to 'let go' and move on. So, I suppose it's the place that "STICKS" to your character...but you gave us very, very, nice choices, best wishes, Edita.
Ahhhh, Molly I hear you on that one. With a little imagination there are sooo many places that are romantic.
Look at you ladies! Going to Italy, France, Egypt...You're all much smarter than me!
I think my DH and I need to stop and smell the roses. That's our one problem. work, work, work. Never enough 'down time'.
I gotta vote for #2. The most romantic place I've ever been is Puerto Rico, followed by a resort on Sanibel Island in Florida. A romantic master suite wherever you find yourself would be next on my list.
Edita, I thought Cap Ferrat sounded familar...turns out I've been to Cap Ferret *grin* in Aquitaine (spelling?)
And yes, Anne, Egypt is fab. We went from Alexandria right down to Abu Simbal.
When you go, get up early enough to get to the Giza Plateau for 8am. Then you can buy one of the 150 tickets and go inside the Great Pyramid.
Probably not romantic...but completely brilliant *grin*
Italy sounds wonderful to me,and so romatic.
Kim--I'm so envious right now. I've always been fascinated by Egypt and the pyramids. I'd love to tour the Great Pyramid. That's gotta be on my list of places to see!
Peggy--Thanks for stopping by! Italy is really romantic, huh? If I had the money I'd schedule a trip there ASAP!
Hmmm... maybe someday when I am ready to dip my toes back in the dating pool again I might try some of these locales.
They all sound appealing!
Carpe Noctem,
Desirée Lee
Putting the Romance Back in Necromancy
Hey Anne, first I wanna ask you a question, at the Cayman Island, would the third party be male or female?
Seriously,my choice would be the cabin in the woods.
why? When hubby & I got married we went to the motel for that night & back to work the next day,so 10years later my wonderful hubby surprises me with a honeymoon in, you guessed it a cabin in the woods, & oh man it was wonderful,I think we made love more then, than we did on our wedding night,we layed in bed for hours & talked among other things,we walked in the woods & you know... in the woods, it was just us & no one was around for miles,& like I said it was truly wonderful. Sorry didn't mean to get so caught up into this. but anyway thats my choice.
Hey Anne, it's me again,two other things, how about Alaska? I have always wanted to go there, freezing cold, good excuse to snuggle in bed & not come out.LOL
the other is on our 20th anniversary we went to a motel, the orginal one was closed down so we went to one about 20 mins. from our house, that way theres no phone, computer or anything like that, & it's different, kinda sets a mood if you know what I mean.
thats it,I'll shut up now.
thanks again,Cindy
Anne, those are all great places and any of them can be romantic. For me, I think I would love the cabin in the woods. Alone time for two.
I wouldn't turn down a trip to any of them. LOL
Cindy--male. LOL
and your husband sounds wonderful! What a sweet surprise!
Connie--alone time sounds heavenly! :)
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