Now I'm at it again with my take on heroines. They are the women we want to LOVE but end up just wanting to smack em. Oh, you know the ones I'm talking about. These are the ladies who quibble about their feelings for the hero and "do I TRRRUUUUSSSSTTT him?" while in the midst of wild hot monkey sex with the man she might not trust. Gimme a break. If a woman really had serious doubts about the hero would she really participate in a sex-a-thon with him?
Then there are the weepy damsels...eye roll here. They cry over everything through the entire book. Do we have any respect for a woman who can't face life head-on without falling apart? I've had a crying scene or two in my books because, yes, real women cry and feel things deeply but there comes a point where my heroine will pull herself up by her panty hose and face life, take charge, and reach for what she wants. She'll bravely face-off with a bully or protect a child from harm. Those are REAL heroines and I might say, more fairly represent REAL women. It's been my experience that women are the glue that holds the world together. They are the emotional backbones of their families, true to their friends, and are the cream that rises to the top in times of crisis. Most of us are women like that or know women like that.
Ninja warrior women. Oh puhleez. Don't get me started! What is wrong with a woman showing her strength through intellect, common sense, and wit? Does she really have to wear black leather, be trained in the martial arts, and kick ass with the boys? Maybe there are women who can identify with that kind of heroine but I'm not one of them.
What do you like to see in a heroine? Some of my favorites were crafted by Amanda Quick (aka Jayne Ann Krentz). In these bright, witty historicals, her heroines are always deeply interested in some endevour, hobby, or profession. They were women who had struggles and challenges in life and the never bitched about it. Most often they were underestimated by the men in their lives. But when push came to shove, these women solved the problem by remaining true to themselves and displaying a wit and intelligence that saves the day. Wow...what a woman!
On an aside note, I recently got a five blue ribbon review from Romance Junkies for Tempting Tess, my May Ellora's Cave release. Check it out here
Good mOrning Lovey, well you got the morning off to a great start.
My heroine, is easy I like her ballsy but not affarid to show her famine side. She has to have passion no matter what story I read there has to be that spark.
Huge congrats on the reveiw. you deserve it!
Congrats on the review.
I like strong heroines but they can't be stronger than the hero. I want him to protect her. I also can't stand the TSTL heroines. Drives me CRAZY!
Well aren't you just the sassiest gal around! Good blog!
yep, whiny heroines are a real turn off in a book. Congrats on the review!
LOL, I have no idea what type of heroine I really like. I'm forever trying to figure that out!
Hmm, I guess I take it one book at a time. Sometimes I like a witty heroine, sometimes I like her to have struggles that she's forced to deal with. If she cries I'm not going to want to smack her. If she talks tough or acts tough I'm not going to want to smack her.
I think the only time I roll my eyes is if it goes over the top and strays into unrealistic territory. Also, if there's not some type of transition, some time of 'growing up' if you will, then I tend to wonder why I'm bothering.
A good example is the book I just read. By an author I'm betting you ALL love. She's mega popular. In fact, I love all her books, with the exception of this ONE. Anyway, the heroine in this one is so tough, wanting to help get the bad guy, wanting to be right out in front with the men shooting and killing. To me, that's too much. Hell, the hero isn't even necessary because she's got it all figured out! LOL
I do like the hero to be the knight coming in to save the day. I find that romantic. I do like the heroine to be intelligent enough to know when to get out of the way. I do want her to stand up for herself and I do want her to lean a little on the hunky man trying to save her from the enemy.
Does any of this make sense or do I just need more coffee? LOL
Great topic!
For me, a heroine's someone who has a purpose in life, a passion they're pursuing, a plan that can sometimes get derailed by the hero in her lives.
Love your graphics!
I've always heard that men like INTERESTING women. Well, I like em too, especially in the books I read. Yeah, they'll have hurdles to jump but I like to see them do it without whining about it.
Hey Shareen! Glad you stopped by. Aren't the graphic KICKASS??? Ooops. I actually said that and I'm not wearing a Stitch of LEATHER. snort.
Hi Deb!!! Great to see you. How are you feelin' these days??? I agree with you 100 percent. Passionate, feminine but not afraid to stand up for herself.
Regina--congrats again on that awesome review!!
Deb--couldn't concentrate for a sec because of that hunky cowboy you've got there. yum! ;-)
Congrats on the review:)
I love Amanda Quick!
Lastly, I feel left out because I don't have a blog avatar...sorry for breaking the chain!
Hey Molly! Use one of your book covers as an avatar. Those look cool. But WE love you with or without one. lol
Isn't Amanda Quick great??? I just love those.
Congrats on the review! :)
Yeah, I hate the weepers and the untrusters.
My heroines are smart, witty, sure they can be emotional but that's not going to stop them. Especially in my historicals.
I guess that's why, in the end, I wrote a heroine as pirate and not the hero! :)
Anne, Yeah, my attention goes else where..lol Damn cowboys.
Molly I will lend you one of mine.
Regina, hi lovey, I am doing better it is great to be back.
Oh Deb...btw...working on a new erotic cowboy story right now. Calling it Long Hard Ride. WooHoo.
I'll keep you updated. snicker.
Glad your are recovering and back on your feet.
You are a better "ranter" than I am. My husband teases me about my daily rants about something in the news or the rats sneaking under our bird feeder or our neighbour who has three composts going and they bring rats!!!
About heroines. I like a take charge heroine who also can fall apart when it's appropriate. They won't be pushed around. Except my historical heroine, Isabelle Linden, in Isabelle's Story. Pregnant, abandoned by the hero, kicked out of her home by her father, she thinks only of dying - taking her life. I shall say no more! I loved writing about Isabelle.
How do you do that? Email me at storimom2@aol.com I've always wondered how you guys get your pics on there! Just never bothered to ask before.
Hey Regina,I finally bought Tempting Tess,& I am looking forward to reading it.,As for as the topic,I said it before & I'll say it again,I like my heroines strong & my hero's stronger,I'm what you might call a,(as much as I hate the word),tomboy,so I'm considered pretty tuff,but even though I work on trucks for a living,I am still a lady,I wear my makeup everyday,so when I read romances,I want my heroine to be tuff,not wimpy,& I wan't my hero,to by a real Alpha male.
Hi Cindy! Glad you picked up Tempting Tess. HOpe you like it.
I like strong heroines, too. Yeah, they can have problems but they need to be smart enough to figure a way out of them. Tomboys are good too. :-)
Hi Anita...I think we like to see some softness (feminity) but an underlying core of strength.
Molly! Popping right over. Maybe I can help.
Great blog! It's funny because I have the same thoughts about heroines -- almost exactly the same -- weepy ones? ugh! ninja warriors (LOL) -- for real? while I know there ARE women who kick ass that's not the typical case and it's certainly not a heroine I can identify with...of course if they are supernatural then that's another story...anywho, I agree with Kelley too...I don't want my heroine to be stronger than the hero...otherwise, what is he there for? LOL Interesting topic!
AND congrats on your review!!!
Ok changed my hunks picture.
Ummm. Deb???? Are you trying to get us all hot and bothered here??? YUMMMMY. I love this one. snicker. Inspiration for my story. LOL.
Thanks Sophie! I can handle a tough supernatural heroine too. A friend of mine is writing one now who is a shifter and that is certainly interesting.
LOL, Now Regina would I be that evil >:P
Glad you like.
SNICKER!!!!! Too funny, Deb.
Regina, great blog as usual. I don't like weepy females but I was told to soften my heroines who were too stiff. Besides, both heros and heroines have to change and grow during the course of the book. So even if they are too much of this or that, I assume they would improve by the time of the HEA.
I think you're right, Mona. We want to SEE the journey of "self discovery". I do a lot of heroines who like being in CONTROL and try to show their inner conflicts and why this is so important to them. Ultimately...losing control sometimes is as much a part of their personal growth as anything else.
This is a test...did it work? If it did, thanks Deb:)
YAY, Molly. It worked. I sent you a couple of emails. Didn't you get them? Deb knows her stuff!!!! YAY Deb. Beautiful avatar, Molly!
No, Regina; nothing from you. But I've had this happen before...emails getting lost in cyberspace.
Dang, Molly. Sent two emails. storimom2@aol.com right? I HATE when that happens. Please know I wasn't ignoring you. I wrote immediately. Hmmmm
Molly glad to see it worked. Awesome avatar.
Regina, awww shucks thanks. Always love to help.
Molly--love the avatar!
Deb--you changed the hunk and *gulp* I wanna say something profound right now but I'm drooling too much! You need to send me a larger version of that! LOL
Thanks guys...it's the cover of my latest release:)
Regina, you're forgiven:)
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