Click the cover to the right to learn all about her upcoming release! (July 18th)
Hi Anny,
Welcome to the Three Wicked Writers blog. I just spent some time on your website and read a few of your excerpts. Wow, you have a lot of books published! You write a range of things too I see. From fantasy to shape-shifters to tri-marriages. I’m interested in how you came to write so many different things and did you always have a love of paranormal?
ANNY: July 12th was the one year anniversary for the first book I wrote, Dancer’s Delight! It is the first book in the Mystic Valley series. Sure doesn’t seem like it’s only been a year. When I submitted it, I had no plans to write anything other than a possible sequel. And actually, that second book, Traveller’s Refuge was nearly complete when I was offered a contract for Dancer’s Delight.
As soon as I submitted the second one, an idea for a trilogy set in Camelot came to me. That turned into a series called the Flowers of Camelot.
As for paranormal… I didn’t realize that was what I was writing. When I queried my editor about that she sent back a two word answer—blue people. The natives of Mystic Valley are blue, with pointed ears, little fangs. When I wrote it, I wasn’t thinking paranormal. Heh.
TWW: Let’s talk a little bit about your latest release. Tell the readers the basic idea.
ANNY: My latest release was Daffodil, the third book in the Flowers of Camelot series. The first three books, Chrysanthemum, Honeysuckle, and Daffodil are about three sisters who go to Camelot in search of husbands. Daffodil, the youngest sister was perfectly happy to stay at home with her lover, Raulf the butler, but her father insisted that she could do better at Camelot.
I must say that this is not your grandmother’s Camelot. For one thing it’s on the planet Avalon where the men are horny and the women are…horny but faithful. There are dragons and unicorns and faeries and giants. The books are very close to satires of all the fairytale/Arthurian legends readers are familiar with. I had a lot of fun writing the Flowers series. The fourth in this series, Magnolia, will be released in December.
TWW: I see you have Kama Sutra Lovers coming out on July 18th. I read the blurb and excerpt and I can easily say you have a very unique idea here! What made you want to write about a tri-marriage?
ANNY: I love the idea of a ménage, but for me it has to be a permanent relationship—not a one shot deal. Initially, when I was tossing around ideas for this book, it was a couple, Arik and Giosetta. But Hart just absolutely wanted to be part of it so then the premise of the book changed just a bit. I really love this trio. I love how they pulled together and worked to make a lasting relationship.
TWW: You have at least three series going right now, how do you keep it all straight and do you write one series at a time?
ANNY: Actually, I alternate series as much as possible. For one thing, there are certain readers who like one series and other readers who like another series. So to be fair, I try to alternate so that everyone has something to look forward to.
As for keeping the characters, stories, worlds, etc., straight, well that’s what a series bible is for. I have notebooks with research information, maps, character lists, glossaries, clothing sketches, recipes, laws, monetary systems, and probably tons of other things…family trees, character descriptions, animal descriptions… Since I invent my worlds from scratch, the devil is in the details. They all need to be written down somewhere. That’s what we call a bible.
TWW: Describe your writing style in one sentence so the readers will know what they’re getting when they pick up an Anny Cook book.
ANNY: My writing style is distinctive, unusual, offbeat, humorous, sexy, and loving.
TWW: Readers always want to know, or get a peek at, a writer’s work in progress. So, what are you working on now?
ANNY: Wow! At the moment I have several works in progress, but four main projects: (all titles tentative) Forbidden Hearts, book two of the Angels/shifter series; Tracer’s Melody, book six of the Mystic Valley series; Dragon Lady, a standalone ménage about a dragon, tiger, and alien; and Soul Survivors, another standalone romance about a couple who are sent back in time when their plane crashes.
I recently contracted Love Never-ending, book five of the Mystic Valley series and Magnolia, book four of the Flowers of Camelot.
TWW: Congrats on your latest contract! Okay, last question, swear! LOL Is there a genre you have no desire to write? Why?
ANNY: Oh, there are probably a couple—BDSM and/or historical. The main reason is the amount of research required to do them right. For the time travel story I’m working on, I would say that I’ve probably put in a couple hundred hours of research so far. For a true historical I think it would be so much more. Also, my voice is so distinctive that I think I would have a very hard time subduing it for a historical. BDSM is such a complicated, layered genre that I don’t feel like I could do it justice though my characters occasionally play around with a little bondage light.
TWW: Thanks so much for visiting us! We’re thrilled to have you guest blog!
Thank you so much for having me as your guest. I’ve been very excited about this all week!
You can find Anny Cook at the following locations.
http://www.annycook.blogspot.com/ or http://www.ohgetagrip.blogspot.com/
I'm going to say right off the bat, that you're one of the most inventive authors I've ever read and you are an auto-buy for me. Don't know how you keep it all straight, Anny!!! The idea of a bible is interesting and I'd never heard of it until a few weeks ago but I understand why you'd need something like that to keep things straight.
Thanks for coming to blog with us, Anny.
YAY Anny!
I fell in love with Mystic Valley, and it took some time for me to try Avalon, but I'm glad I did! You're also an auto-buy for me, and I'm slowly catching up!
Great interview ladies.
Delicious books as always Anny! :)
Great interview! I can't wait to check these books out!
Ahhhh. Thank you ladies! I am certainly getting excited about Kama Sutra's release. Very anxious to see what everyone thinks!
Thanks for letting us interview you, Anny! Your books sound amazing! Very unique. I'll have to pick one up. Karma Sutra Lovers just might have to be my first :)
Anny--I spent some time on your site and I'm still in awe! Even using a 'bible' to keep track it boggles my mind! LOL
Thanks a bunch for being such a lovely guest! :)
Microsoft Office 2007 has a new "notebook" function that's turning out to be quite useful. In the notebook, you can keep "clips" from internet sites, pictures, forms, documents, publisher files... It's pretty cool. Have to admit that it makes it easier.
Anne, Kelley, I expect what makes it all work is that I tentatively laid out the entire plan before I wrote the first book. Oh, I had to add things or adjust things as I went along, but the overview was in place before I wrote the first word.
Glad you liked the webpage!
Anny is amazing in any format. Great interview you two!
Yes, Anny, you are indeed amazing. Your write has style and flair, and I love reading itt. Can't wait for Kama Sutyra Lovers to come out. And not only that, you are one terrific person.
Thanks for the great interview, Anny! Your books sounds quite intriguing! And I'm amazed at how you juggle everything you're writing and keep it all straight! Wow!
Anny--I'm going to have to look into that Notebook function! Thanks fo the tip! :)
Thank you, ladies! World building is my favorite part of writing a series. I love making all the decisions...
Anne that notebook thing is real neat. You can even jot personal notes anywhere on the pages.
I need to check that out too. Sounds really handing. Granted, I'm just getting into paranormal but I know with all the worldbuilding that goes into the genre, any tool is helpful.
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