These days, however, I look more like an insomniac lemur. Scary. Too much time on the computer and getting my days and nights all mixed up have played hell with my appearance and I wake up with bags and puffs and circles. YUK. I've tried every kind of concealer that I could find and nothing worked. When eyes are your predominant facial feature, you certainly don't want them emphasized by puffs and darkness. Finally, I found something that worked and I highly recommend it to cover undereye problems without looking like you've just piled on make up. The product is Bare Essentuals Loose ID "well rested". It's a powder that you just brush under your eyes. Easy as pie to use.
I'm a woman of "a certain age" and when I hit that "age" full blast I started using these products. Now southern women don't sweat...we GLOW. Yeah right!!! Anyway, I found everything I used felt heavy and like it was sliding off my face. The Loose ID powder doesn't do that. It stays on and doesn't feel heavy. Now their "well rested" powder is just one more of their things I've added to my make up bag.
In researching for this post I found some wacky tips that some women swear really works. Acne/blemish problems? Try mixing two tablespoons of any kind of toner with yogurt. Put it on your face daily (3-10 days) until the bumps are GONE. Hm. Need some hair gel and you're all out? Try mixing honey with boiling water and make your own. Since I've been obsessed with the eye thing lately, I found this one very interesting. Know how some days if you're really tired and have been staring at your computer too long? The whites of your eyes can look fuzzy or yellow. Hold a teaspoon under cold water then press the spoon to your eyes to get rid of the fuzzies. This also works for women who wear glasses since glasses prevent oxygen from getting to your eyes and they the skin can get dark or sweaty. Hm. Interesting. Has anyone tried the Mayonnaise facial thing? Avocados?
Any tips for beauty or health that you can share with me today? Lord knows, I need all the help I can get. What about general health? I've been feeling listless lately and I get tired so easily. A friend recommended Vitamin D because as we age and if we're not in the sun much we tend to lose that. I'm keeping a bottle on my desk, by my computer lately so I don't forget to take it. Just started this so I'll let you know how it works. What about exercise? The kind that works up a good GLOW? The way I figure it, every little bit of advice helps.
I know it's early, but my two favorite ways to keep my skin healthy:
1) Daily Mary Kay routine
2) GOOD sex. Never fails. I glow and feel extremely feminine:)
If that's TMI, I apologize!
I'm not really into skin products and stuff like that. I had been feeling blah a lot lately. Getting tired and I've been hitting the treadmill every night all week and I actually feel better!
Cold wet teabag on the eyes or cucumber slices on eyes to reduce swelling.
Oh. I have cucumbers AND tea bags. Must try that, Anny. Lordy, I had all the puffiness.
I've always heard that regular exercise really helps, Kell. Just don't get it enough but that has to change. I have a treadmill. So far, I mainly DUST IT. LOL.
Good sex????Hm. Must try a bunch of that!!!! snicker.
A few things. First, take a B Complex every day, and a seperate B-12. Most women don't get nearly enough B-12 and it really helps with several different things. One is energy. B-12 converts carbs, fats, and proteins to energy. My mother also swears that it was her B Complex and B-12 vitamins that kept her from suffering when she went through menopause. She never needed a single prescription. And considering the horror she went through with her monthy (I'm talking cramps so bad she'd be doubled over in pain) I'm a believer! I take my B every single day and I'd swear by it!
Also, fiber. Another thing most of us don't get nearly enough of. We're supposed to have 25-30 grams of fiber a day. The best way is to vary your fiber. A Fiber One bar for breakfast (9 grams!), and then a side salad at lunch, and add carrots or broccoli, or both to your dinner. Also, it never hurts to add some bran or something to your yogurt. Feeling...cleansed can really help with those sluggish blahs!
I've heard this about the B-12 and my husband takes it daily. I loved Black Cohash while going through the change but I'll have to try this.Heck...we already have them so why NOT???
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