I'm in a reading slump right now. A big one. I hate that feeling. I need good books to keep me sane. I've picked up a couple books lately by new authors and they were just so-so. Not terrible but not good enough to quench my thirst for a great book. I'm wondering if I should step out of my usual reading genres for a while. Maybe that will help. I don't read a lot of historicals so maybe if I pick up a few, reading something different will get me out of this rut. I need hot though. They don't have to be erotic but still steamy. So, give it to me! Any Regency era historicals you love? If you've read a good paranormal or contemporary lately tell me about those too!
Try mine, Fate: A New Beginning from Whiskey Creek Press-the torrid line. http://www.whiskeycreekpress.com/torrid/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=294&zenid=91f35a3562b95496ada3027d634b7de2
Its a fantasy romance erotic story!
Well, it depends on whether they have to be paper or not...
In the meantime, I have one that's a bit unusual--Dancer's Delight. It got four stars from RT. And it's the first in a series in case you find that you like it.
It's available in both paper and e-book! Orrrr, Rita has a brand new Regency available from Resplendence Press. And it's yummy and hot.
I'll be checking back to get some ideas too. =) Not that I don't have a pile to read already, but I don't want my list to empty.
Try this historical 'Zoe' by T.A. Ford. It's a great IR story and certainly steamy in parts!
Sylvia Day--she definitely writes hot historicals. Or Sarah McCarty, Beth Ciotta, or Stacey Kayne for some western historicals. Or Sarah Mayberry for fabulous hot contemporary (she's mainly written for Blaze). I also love Julia Quinn's Bridgertons, which I don't remember the hotness factor of, but they are SO good.
Oh, that everyone!
I recommend Kelly Kirch's Regencies. Marriage Mart, Marriage Plot, and More Than Words, all available through Resplendance Publishing. The third 'Marriage' story, Marriage Proposal, will be available in November:)
I love Anny's Mystic Valley series!
And Witch Ball, by Kathleen Coddington.
Ummm. Don't forget I have a brand new erotic regency out, Kell! Hate to plug my own book here but you might like it. Full of romantic regency historical stuff but lots of humor and SEX. A mystery to be solved, alpha hero and quirky heroine.
BTW...sorry I'm not commenting until TODAY. I'm in a writing frenzy and on a deadline. GAAAAAA. Can you hear me screaming????
I KNOW I'll love your book, Reg. I plan to get it. Sounds fantastic. I know you're on deadline. I understand. Thanks for coming today :)
Thanks Molly. Sounds like some great books. My list is growing.
I loved Patience, by CH Admirand. It sat in my TBR pile for several weeks, but then after I read it, I kicked myself for waiting so long.
I loved Carolyn Jewel My Wicked Enemy which is paranormal and has fiends. Anything by Sierra Dafoe is good. I also like Maya Banks. If I think of more I will email off post
Have you read the Feehan books yet? You might like the Carpathian series.
Lindseye- I'll check those books out! Thanks.
Anne, nope haven't read them yet. I keep meaning to.
Ohhhh NOOOOO. You MUST read Feehan. Awesome. The whole series is great and very addictive.
I tried the first book in her Carpathians and COULD NOT get into it. I didn't even finish it. Its crazy though because I've heard so many great things about her. It's been a while since I tried. I should give it another go. I've been planning to but haven't gotten around to it yet.
I've had good reviews for my short, THE WITCH WITHIN, from THE WILD ROSE PRESS. If you like paranormal with an eerie touch go check it out!
Judith Leger
Kelly I also tried to read Freehans's novels and found them overly descriptive. Maybe I am used to ebooks which rarely have words to spare, but I just want her to get to the point and I lose interest before the scene is through. If you like M/M JL Langly has Wolfie Shifters and a Male Scifi Regency. I love both series.
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