Um. Hello.
My name is Regina and I'm a cover slut.
Wonder if they have a 12-step program for book cover addicts? Ya think? Heck, better sign me up quick because I'm a gonner over new covers. From the moment I started writing in 1992, I imagined what a book cover for a particular story of mine might look like. Is that completely nuts? Yep. I think so. I actually have manuscripts that will never see the light of day. They are shoved under my bed with the dust bunnies but, oddly enough, they all have fully formed COVERS in my HEAD.
At the end of last week, I got really LUCKY. Once AGAIN! I asked the Ellora's Cave cover gods for a hot man and woman, naked or nearly naked, a bit of tartan plaid and an ancient castle and this is what I got. Yes, I tend to be a bit spartan in my cover requests. I keep it simple and only add a few odd items for them to play with. It works for me and I've never been disappointed in an Ellora's Cave cover. Granted, my hero doesn't look a bit Scottish but he IS indeed, dark and luscious. Oddly, I never mentioned a rough looking table but I got one. How on earth did they know there is a ve

ry sexy scene in this book that features a table just like this one? Highland Beast comes out April 29 and I'm anxious to see if everyone else like the cover as much as I do.
Was talking with Anne and Kell yesterday about covers. Those we liked and those that could've been better. Kelley was nice enough to send me one of HER favorites. I have to agree with her that the cover for Lotus Blossom Chronicles: Book Three is gorgeous. Kelly admitted she naturally LOVES the great chest along with the soft, yummy green color and the scrollwork designs at the top and bottom of the cover. Oh yeah...I would judge this book by the cover and snap it up. It's a recent release at Parker Publishing and you can buy it
It's funny. For some writers, I'm sure the big thrill is making another sale. Maybe it's release day! I figure it depends on the person. But for me, the big thrill comes when I open my email to find a nice little note from the cover department. My heart pounds and I hold my BREATH!

Yesterday I got another wonderful surprise. Tempting Turquoise, an anthology that includes Elaine Lowe, Amy Ruttan (a very good friend of Three Wicked Writers) and Moi! My Feral Moon, a paranormal/shifter menage is sharing company with two other great stories. You can pick it up on the Jasmine-Jade or Ellora's Cave home page. And speaking of covers...um...I think this is beautiful, don't you?
What about a cover catches your eye? For me, it color. I love love love color. Of course, an uber hunka hunka burnin' love pretty much does the trick, too. Women? I don't care so much about women on the cover. For me it's all about the guy. I'll usually ask for just the man or the couple (barely clothed, of course) but seldom just a woman. As far as body parts, I'm not picky. I like em all. Legs, arms, chests, abs, backs, hands. I don't particularly care as long as they are beautiful. If I request a man for a cover, I always always stress...no baby faces please! No rounded features or fellas who look like they just graduated from high school two months ago. Give me a man. Make it hot. And make me drool. That works for me everytime.
Yes, I'm a cover slut. Sign me up for that 12-step program fast!