I've already shouted about this on Facebook, but I'm too excited not to say something about it here too.
I've signed a new contract with Samhain Publishing! Yay! This one is a short story. Erotic, of course. LOL (to be released Aug. '10)
Here's a blurb:
What She Wants
Summer just got a whole lot hotter…
Summer Chase has already loved and lost once and she has no intention of going through that pain again. But when a hunky Camaro driving P.I. shows up at her B & B looking for a room for the week, she sees something more than a hard-bodied guest. For the first time since her husband’s death, Summer’s sexual interest is awakening, and she’s not about to hit the snooze button!
Gage Knight is a P. I. in desperate need of a vacation. His impromptu trip to Cape May, New Jersey seems just what he needs to relax and unwind. But when he knocks on the door of Chase’s Bed & Breakfast and comes face to face with sexy owner, Summer Chase, relaxing drops to the bottom of his to-do list. Now all he wants is a tasty Summer treat, and he plans to take his time, savoring the curvaceous beauty one inch at a time.
Question is…can she watch Gage drive off into the sunset when the week comes to an end?
5 The things I love about this story:
- The story takes place in Cape May, New Jersey. I used to visit there when I was a kid so it's special for me. I love the shore!
- Gage, the hero, has a big dragon tattoo on his upper back. He's the first of my male characters to have a tattoo. It's very sexy!
- Gage is also the first of my characters to be bald. Gage does bald VERY well. lol
- Summer's drive to make her bed & breakfast a success. I admire women who push past the pain of life, determined to find happiness.
- The sex scenes...LOL I haven't had a hot tub scene in any of my books since Haley's Cabin. I felt it was time to do another one! *wicked grin*
You can see my inspiration for Gage here
Excerpt coming soon!
Also, I wanted to share an update on that 15 year old girl who was gang raped. They've arrested a 7th suspect. A 21 year old. And I read where the girl who had called 911 spoke for the first time. You can read her statement here
And the victim spoke for the first time as well. Her pastor shares her statements with the press. A few of the things she wanted the public to know are:
"Violence is always the wrong choice... We realize people are angry about this," the statement said. "But let the anger cause change; change that is necessary to keep our children, our neighbors and our friends safe. We thank everyone for their love, support and ongoing prayers." more here
What a smart, strong young lady! She has my admiration AND my prayers!!
Book sounds great. The third Malone brother is bald. Haven't written him yet, but I'm looking forward to it. he's shown up in the first two books.
WOW does that sound good! I'll add that to my buy list for sure!!! I love bald guys ever since I watched Pitch Black with Vin Diesel and that voice of his too... damn! LOL. Congrats!!!
Let's hear it for the bald guys! I've loved them ever since Bruce Willis kicked serious ass in the Die Hard movies. Congrats on the contract and the story sounds amazing!
Congrats on the new contract! Samhain...that's awesome. Story sounds like a real sizzler, too. Just to show my age, I'll go everyone one better and point to like THEE original bald male romance lead...Yul Brynner in The King and I. :)
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