Thursday, March 31, 2011
Anne's Winners from Last Week!
We're keeping things short and sweet today but watch out for TOMORROW when our brand new Wicked Writer, Cari Quinn comes over to chat with everyone. As you know we are still under construction so thanks kindly for bearing with us.
In the meantime, Anne posted her 'goodbye' post last week and offered up a contest so it's with great pleasure we annouce her winners.
Jessica has won TWO of Anne's ebooks from her list.
Tiss has won a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate.
Congrats ladies! Write Anne to claim your prize at
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Hard decisions and another goodbye

It's so hard when you have to make a decision that you hate, but know it's something you need to do. I struggled with this choice for a while, but I really feel like it's something I need to do. It's with a heavy heart that I'm leaving Three Wicked Writers Plus Two.
It feels so strange. This blog has been a part of my life for years. I still remember when Regina, Anne, and I sat around, emailing like crazy as we made plans for this blog. Years later we've grown so much. We got new members in Tess and Natalie, tons of followers and awesome friends in all of our readers. I've had so many laughs here, shared tears here and have memories I will always treasure. And I'll still be around, I just need to limit some of my responsibilities right now. I have personal things going on with my family, a lot of writing responsibilities and am experiencing a shift in my career. Though its hard, this is the choice I had to make right now.
I want to thank everyone for EVERYTHING we've shared over these years. It's been great and I'm honored to have been a part of Three Wicked Writers Plus Two.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Distractions and Shiiiiiiny Things

COMING March 30
Stuck in a rut in every way possible, Keri decides her first step in a bid for change is moving back to the Texas home she left years ago. The second step? Spicing up her sex life with the crazy-hot cowboys she left behind. Too responsible (and smart) to touch her way back when, Max and Shaw filled Keri’s hottest teen dreams. Now she’s older, wiser—and more than ready to make up for lost time. Max and Shaw were always fond of Keri, but the stunning woman strutting back into their lives is a far cry from the serious, studious teen they remember. She wants to take a walk on the racy side—with both of them—and the cowboys are only too happy to oblige. As they suspected, the sex is explosive, though Max and Shaw aren’t sure Keri can really handle everything they have to give. Nor do they know if she can handle the sexy secret they’ve yet to divulge.
Coming March 30
Harley June Baker left Delight thinking never to return, but when circumstances draw her back to this tiny town and straight into Cooper’s strong arms, she knows she’s in deep trouble. The man she’d loved and left behind is now one sexy devil-in-denim and hotter than a Texas summer night. With his every wicked touch throwing her senses into overdrive, how could any sane woman resist? Cooper Dobbs is a man on a mission. He let Harley get away once, but never again. Knowing it’s time to burn up some sheets with the delectable woman, Cooper plies her with a raw, savage passion that threatens to incinerate them both. It’s gonna take plenty of panty-drenching sex and a fair amount of sweet-talkin’ to make Harley his, but Cooper reckons he’s up to the challenge.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sizing Up Sexy
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Welcome our Guest...Amber Skyze
I could spend all day on chat loops taking about the craft of writing or the world news. These are all distractions. I’m not saying they’re not worth the time, just in moderation. How much is the right amount of time? I can’t answer that. The one thing I can say is don’t let it become your life, like I did. My problem used to be solved by writing in the wee hours of the morning – 4am. By the time I finished writing the regular workday started and I was free to hang out all I wanted, unless I had an article assignment. That’s changed recently and I’m sleeping until at least 6, sometimes later. My schedule is off and I’m readjusting. That shift in schedule means something had to go. I’m not on the loops as often and I visit blogs when I can. I feel terrible, but my writing has to come first. If there isn’t a book, there’s nothing to promote or talk about. Short of hiring someone to do all your promoting, how do you balance your writing and promoting?
Where to find Amber:

Tired of their ho-hum sex life, Jack decides to spice things up by planning a surprise for his wife. After sending the children off for an overnight with their aunt, Jack handcuffs Beth to their bed. Beth awakes naked, blindfolded and at the mercy of her husband. The day starts off with being fed by Jack and quickly turns into hot and heavy sex. She soon learns that a slip of the tongue can lead to stinging ass cheeks. This rainy day will be spent pushing their sexual limits. Whether in bed or out, Jack will leave Beth begging for more—until she says something unforgiveable.
Adult Excerpt From:
Copyright © AMBER SKYZE, 2011
All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc.
Chapter One
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Welcome Our Guest Elizabeth Black
By Elizabeth Black
Loving women comes naturally to me, but I didn't know that when I was in college. I always thought you were either gay or straight. I didn't know you could love both men and women. So I learned by the time I was in my late twenties that I was bi-sexual. I've often fantasized about making love to a woman as far back as high school but the opportunity never presented itself except once, and she turned out to be very, very straight. I gave her many different kinds of educations. For instance, she was a vegetarian, and I got her to eat bacon. The gateway meat. LOL Soon she was eating cow and chicken. I don't know if she went back to being vegetarian but she did take a walk on the wild side for a little while there. However, my first and only experience making love to a woman didn't work out as I had hoped it would. I loved her, too. Even though it didn't work out the way I had hoped, we remained friends and are friends to this day.
I've created many lesbian and bisexual female characters, and Bridget and Gillian in "Things That Go Hump In The Night" are only my latest. This short paranormal lesbian story appears in the anthology "I Kissed A Girl II: More Virgin Lesbian Stories" published by Ravenous Romance. All my female characters feel a great lust for life and they help to open up their bi-curious lovers to the joys of both womanly sex and exotic living. My first lesbian character was Amelia in "Lost In Her Mouth". She appears in my short story anthology "Tales Of Lust And Longing", published by Whiskey Creek Press Torrid. Amelia is a very tactile-oriented young woman who loves to taste and feel everything around her – including her lover. My two favorites are Angelina and Charlotte in my favorite lesbian short story "Neighbors", which appears in the "Vamps" lesbian anthology published by Torquere Press. Angelina is based on Angelina jolie and Charlotte is based on Charlotte Lewis. Yes, I like a particular body type – long dark hair and skin, exotic features, muscular yet lithe, with large breasts and big hips. I don't do blondes, LOL. Ange and Charlotte invite staid, stick-in-the-mud Annie into their world, and there's no turning back! Annie dives into a world of decadent food, fine wine, a love of leisure, and exciting sex. Coming soon: Gatria, Sun, and Shira who appear in yet another lesbian story "Unfolding Her Wings", soon to be published in the anthology "Women On The Edge Of Space", by Circlet Press. This is my first science fiction story. Characters like Ange, Charlotte, Gillian, Sun, Gatria, Shira, and Amelia are very appealing to me. They break rules, think outside the box, enjoy their bodies and their lover's bodies, and there's no holding them back. I see them as my alter ego.
So, are you interested in meeting these fascinating women? You may find cover art and links to "Neighbors" and "Lost In Her Mouth" on my web site.
"Neighbors" – Scroll down on the "Short Stories" page to "Vamps".
"Lost In Her Mouth" – in "Tales Of Lust And Longing"
And here is information about my newest release, "Things That Go Hump In The Night", appearing in the "I Kissed A Girl II: More Virgin Lesbian Stories" anthology.
Title: I Kissed a Girl II: More Virgin Lesbian Stories
Includes short story "Things The Go Hump In The Night" by Elizabeth Black
Paranormal erotic lesbian romance
Edited by Regina Perry
Publisher: Ravenous Romance
Publish Date: 2011-03-22
Word Count: 50,957
ISBN: 9781607773993
Price $4.99
Buy Links:
Ravenous Romance
Amazon Kindle
Elizabeth Black's Web Site "I Kissed A Girl II" Page
Our readers asked for it, and now we're pleased to present Volume II of first-time lesbian encounters inspired by Katy Perry's hit song! Seven returning authors continue to arouse, plus six new authors will not disappoint.
This diverse collection travels the globe and the ages. No two settings or circumstances are alike, proving that women from every walk of life and culture are curious and eager to explore their full sexuality...with each other.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Saying Goodbye & A Contest
On a personal front my mom is having some heath problems. The tumor the doctors removed awhile back has left it's mark it seems. She has swollen lymph nodes and the doctor thinks that her cancer has possibly spread. She has a CT Scan (is that how it's spelled?) on Monday. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
On a professional front my deadline is fast approaching on my current WIP and I have a lot of work to do these next few days if I have any hope at all in meeting it. When I do, there are three more books waiting in the wings and two editors itching for them to be finished--yesterday. This is good news actually! Having editors interested in my stuff is a blessing.
Nevertheless, I've had to take a hard look at my schedule for the year and it's VERY full. This means I need to do some rearranging. Sooo, next Thursday will be my last time posting on here. I figured it'd be wrong if I went out quietly. That's just not my style. LOL I wondered what I could do to show my love and appreciation of ALL the followers on here and the one thing that sprang to mind is to have a contest.
I'm going to pick two winners. The first will win a $25 online gift certificate to Amazon. The second winner will get their choice of 2 of my ebooks from my current releases.
All you have to do is tell me this: Have you or have you not enjoyed the hunks I've brought to you over the years? C'mom, you drooled and you know it. LOL
I will announce the winners here on the blog next Thursday, which will be my final post.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
RT, Baby!

I've always wanted to go to Romantic Times Convention. I'd love to be surrounded by that many lovers of romance and erotic romance. Every year it seems like something comes up and I'm not able to attend. This year is in LA which is right around the corner from me! I'm not attending the whole convention, but spending the day there on Saturday and I can't wait!
I'll be attending the signing, some author sessions and a workshop and I'm really looking forward to it. My BFF is coming with me. I'm not even going as an author. I'm going just for fun! It's rather exciting!!
Have you been to one of the big conventions? Are they as big of a blast as they look?
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Getting Back to Normal

Oh well....that's life I reckon. Now the house is quiet again and I'm back into my routine though yesterday was rough. My thoughts were scattered as I tried to get back into the groove. It'll come, I know. Hopefully today as I pull up the work in progress and dig in. After everyone left the house echoed and Mr. Regina and I looked at each other and kind of sighed. Strange moment as we looked at each other knowing it was just us again. We will adjust to all this quiet, as we always do, and then go through the whole rollercoaster again when the kids return. I figure it will always be this way and that's okay. Keeps life interesting doesn't it?

Book Release: Return to Delight comes out next Weds. (March 30) at Ellora's Cave. Just got my cover last week. Isn't it great? I love it and depicts a scene from the book perfectly. This is a 'brother' series and I'm looking forward to writing the next two of these.
Harley June Baker left Delight thinking never to return, but when circumstances draw her back to this tiny town and straight into Cooper’s strong arms she knows she’s in deep trouble. The man she’d loved and left behind is now one sexy devil-in-denim and hotter than a Texas summer night. With his every wicked touch throwing her senses into overdrive, how could any sane woman resist?
Cooper Dobbs is a man on a mission. He let her get away once but never again. Knowing it’s time to burn up some sheets with the delectable Harley, Cooper plies her with a raw, savage passion that threatens to incinerate them both. It’s gonna take plenty of panty-drenching sex and a fair amount of sweet talkin’ but Cooper reckons he’s up to the challenge.

Monday, March 21, 2011
Exploding Heads
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Welcome our guest Afton Locke

Dark closet + sexy boss + 7 minutes = too HOT to stop!
Wanna play 7 Minutes in Heaven?
Now available at Ellora’s Cave!
Ever had a fantasy about your boss? 'Fess up. We all have.
Despite Eliza Worth’s attraction to her boss, Zach Taunton, she’s so fed up with his unreasonable demands she’s decided to look for another job. Her matchmaking friend Margo, determined to give Eliza some sexual healing for her work stress, invites her to a singles mixer, where Eliza reluctantly agrees to play a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven. In a dark closet, Eliza is quickly brought to the edge and beyond by a sexy mystery man. Her initial intrigue quickly turns to horror when she discovers her masterful, anonymous lover is none other than her slave-driving boss himself—and Zach seems to want her for a lot longer than seven minutes. But first he’ll have to relinquish some control and negotiate his way into her heart.
Watch the Video
Seven Minutes of Seduction
ISBN# 978-14199-32977
Ellora's Cave Publishing
Excerpt (Adult)
(Copyright © AFTON LOCKE, 2011, All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc.)
Her breath caught when she realized the room wasn’t just dark. It was completely black. She couldn’t see a thing now. Margo must have had special padding or weather-stripping installed around the edges of the door.
“You’re not allowed to talk, starting now,” Margo said, her voice muffled.
Eliza fought down the urge to pound on the door and beg to be let out but knew that would make her resemble a childish idiot. Not being able to see and knowing nothing about who was in the closet with her sent her heart rate into the aerobic range.
Her other senses soon took over. She heard the rustle of curtain, a man’s breathing and…oh God. That was Zach’s cologne. The distinctive blend of exotic spices and understated class had distracted her mid-task more than once at work.
Coincidence, she told herself as she clasped her hand across her throat. Lots of men wore the same cologne. He couldn’t possibly be here.
This man, whoever he was, didn’t seem nearly as inclined to pause and analyze the situation as she did. She gasped when a questing hand brushed her waist and arm, followed much too quickly by two steely arms fastening around her. Goose bumps exploded across her arms as rolled-up shirtsleeves and very hot forearms slid across her skin.

Saturday, March 19, 2011
The Moment by Nichelle Gregory
Friday, March 18, 2011
Tarra, My Lovelies!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Thursday Hunks
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Anyone have some extra patience?

I have always been impatient and I'm the first one to admit it. It practically kills me to wait. I jump the gun and regret it later. I'm there early when everyone else is late. Which begs the question, how did I end up a writer? LOL. Well, technically the answer to that is because there is nothing else I would rather be. I can't, NOT write, but for this post, we're going to forget that.
There is A LOT of waiting involved in writing. It takes a while to write a book, if you have critique partners it takes time to get your work back, then edit. Querying is a KILLER, submission, edits, release AHHHHH. There is so much waiting! LOL.
My agent has one of my book out on submission right now and the wait is threatening to do me in. I get it. I know it takes time. The logical part of me knows that, but it doesn't stop me from driving myself crazy. From checking my email a million times a day, even when I'm not home.
SO... I need patience. How do you do it? What's your magic ticket to making the wait not drive you bonkers?
And for fun, I'll leave you with Patience by Guns and Roses. Love this song.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Spring Breaking

Years ago when all the kids were living at home we took trips for spring break. It might be shopping in Dallas or heading to San Antonio to take the kids to Sea World (and more shopping) but times have certainly changed. Family trips with all four of us seem to be a thing of the past and I hate that. Mainly it's due to everyone getting older, moving off, having evil day jobs and things like that. It's rather sad but it has been like this for about five years or more now. Some things we just never get used to, huh? So today, and for the rest of the week, I'll hang with my daughter and we'll talk, catch up, stay in town and see what's what.
In other news: I'm happy to announce that Return to Delight, a contemporary western, has been contracted by Ellora's Cave for their Lawless line. Waiting for edits and a beautiful new shiny cover which I'll most certainly show off as soon as possible. I'm also working on Rio's Touch, book three of the Savage Sanctuary series, and hope to have this finished by the end of the month. Once spring break is over I'll head back into my cave and whip it out.
Special thanks to my friend, author Allie Standifer, who felt my pain last week over the loss of my Cadbury Creme Eggs. She kindly sent me a box of them which I quickly 'stashed away' in a secret location.