Ending and beginnings. It's tough. All of it. But in the course of all this, I've learned there are good people, friendly people, all around and most are willing to lend a hand to make the transition smoother. Writing these days is pretty tough. Most of the time, my brain is kinda foggy but I'm finding the muck clearing somewhat and I'm actually writing some now. Admittedly, I have great inspiration all around me. From my back patio (empty of any kind of furniture at the moment) I have trees. Lots of trees. One of them is loaded with oranges. Now THAT'S something new for a Texas girl! I've seen mated red birds and even an enormous owl perched in a tree out back. And lizards! Okay, that's familiar but these seem to be a bit more exotic as their throats expand, turning a bright red. Funny. Guess I'll figure out what kind they are soon enough.
Of course, I have NO idea where I'm going. I was given the 'gift' of a map so I've been studying up some. :-) Made it to the grocery store and a few other places. I figure it's a start. Right? Anyway the weather is beautiful and my new place with be livable before I can blink. Mainly, I now have new ideas swimming in my head (scary thought...all that head-swimming) and I'm anxious to start burning up the computer again. A day at a time.
I'm really sorry that I've blogged so sporadically but now you understand, I hope, why I haven't been around much. I must say, it's great to be back.
I just learned my Florida trip has been postponed to maybe next year; was hoping to look you up!
Every cloud has a silver lining, and I'm glad you have a support system in place:)
I do, Molly and it's a great feeling. Very comforting. We still have furniture to get in place and some decorating to do but I'll look back a month from now and things will be wonderful.
When God closes one door, he opens another. You will be fine in Florida. Just miss you like crazy. :)
Love you
It's so good to have you back, Reg! And yeah, not a damn thing easy about starting over, but you are handling it with grace and heart.
Mmmm, orange trees. Wait till you are there and they bloom in spring. They smell absolutely fabulous!
I know you'll be back on track with your stories, sweets. They'll be better than ever, I'm sure. Don't pressure yourself, just take it easy and they will come.
Many hugs! I'm here if you need anything.
Love you too, Marika. Starting over is sooo damn hard but exciting too. I'll 'get there' with the move but today I'm feeling so hopeful and positive.
You would know a LOT about starting over, Taylor. Maybe I can learn some things from you about all of this because you've managed it so well. Hope I can do the same.
Hugs, Regina. I remember all too well how hard it was to start over--with two preteen daughters--when I left my first husband in 2006. And again when my current husband and I decided to make a life of it and I had to relocate two states away from the one where I'd lived my entire life.
I'm glad you have people supporting you, and I hope your new start brings wonderful things to you.
Thank you, Karenna! So many others have done this sort of thing and survived it with grace and good humor. I figure I can do the same.
(((regina))) starting over is terrifying, but also exhilarating. Best of luck. Hmmmm....Florida? That's where I am!
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