From the Urban Dictionary
Hater: A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person.
Over the past week or so I've noticed the number of 'haters' increasing faster than we can blink. Let's face it, they are everywhere and I'm coming to suspect it's a new national pasttime to hate others and spew vitriole all over the place. Don't know about you guys but I'm fucking sick of it. Last night I was watching a news program about members of the House of Represenatives in Oklahoma moving the Presidents portrait to the back of the room. Don't they get it? We had an election and we have chosen our president. Show some respect. Hate groups hiding under the guise of Christianity are picketting the homes and funeral services of our soldiers carrying signs that say homosexuals who are killed in battle deserved what they got. Spewing hate, carrying signs, picketting, and harrassing the mourning family.
Good grief! Were these people raised in a barn?
Check out any number of the blogs out there and you'll see more evidence of the wave of hate out there. Most of us have been the victim of blog 'review sites' where just about every single book is trashed...just because they CAN trash it. Some seem to take a giggling, wild sort of glee in honing in on particular words and phrases and carrying on and on with their trash talk. Book covers are mocked and sneered at and authors raked over the coals. Are these honest reviews? I don't think so. You have only to look these blogs over and see they make a habit of hating. Naturally, they are hoping to gain a whole lot of hits to their blogs by friends rushing to the defense of the wounded author.
Amazon Free Reads might as well have a bulls-eye on them. FREE READS folks. The author is kind enough to offer a sample of her work and gets trashed for her efforts. What is the purpose in something like this? Haters are flexing their muscles and taking out their every frustration in forums like this. The other night a fellow author pointed to a You Tube video. Her daughter had been honored by the company she works for and was given the job of doing an instructional video. The comments that followed were beyond hateful and despicable in every way. Hundreds showed up to comment on her body and general appearance. I saw the video and she is an attractive young woman but that isn't the point. They poked fun, made snide and nasty com
ments and all in a public forum. Why? Because they are Haters and because they can.
Personally, I believe there are more of us than THEM. How do we fight them? I wish I knew. I just wish they would go away and get a life. Perhaps if they found something meaningful to do with their lives they would stop harassing those who have.
Sorry about the rant. Just had to get this off my chest.
It’s a Wicked Spring Giveaway!
At Three Wicked Writers we’ve decided to leap into spring with a fun, easy contest. All you have to do is ‘follow us’ on our BLOG and you’re entered to win. Three followers will be picked, each will receive an ebook from Regina Carlysle, Madison Scott and Anne Rainey.
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http://threewickedwriters.blogspot.com/The winners will be announced on our blog Thursday, April 1st!!!